Hey everyone!
I am new to the group (although I have been lurking for sometime now) and had a question.. A few weeks ago, we got a few chicks from a local breeder (2 were 2 months old and 4 were 4 days old). Outside of one that died 3 days after we got them, all the chicks have been healthy but yesterday I noticed one of them had a clear discharge coming from her (or his) eye and she was kinda stretching her neck out and opening its mouth a little. The chick is eating and drinking fine, not isolating itself or anything and is quite vocal (unless I take it out of the cage and hold it), especially since I've taken it from the others to "quarantine" it.. What do you think? Resp problem or maybe just got pecked at from the older one? I would greatly appreciate any advice y'all can give me on this one..
I am new to the group (although I have been lurking for sometime now) and had a question.. A few weeks ago, we got a few chicks from a local breeder (2 were 2 months old and 4 were 4 days old). Outside of one that died 3 days after we got them, all the chicks have been healthy but yesterday I noticed one of them had a clear discharge coming from her (or his) eye and she was kinda stretching her neck out and opening its mouth a little. The chick is eating and drinking fine, not isolating itself or anything and is quite vocal (unless I take it out of the cage and hold it), especially since I've taken it from the others to "quarantine" it.. What do you think? Resp problem or maybe just got pecked at from the older one? I would greatly appreciate any advice y'all can give me on this one..