New to incubating..


Jun 26, 2019
I bought an incubator from a relative its a Little giant incubator that holds 41 eggs from tractor supply...I turned it on earlier today about three hours ago and the humidity has been anywhere from 41% to 60%....the tempature has been from 90 degrees to 106...i feel like I'm doing something wrong...or is this normal for it to fluctuate up and down? I've added water into both "channels" in the bottom of the incubator. Any help would be appreciated. It has an egg turner in it also if that matters.


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It looks like a very very old version of the one I am using. The temperature fluctuations should be extremely small. My incubator fluctuates from 100.5 to 100.7, which is about the temperature it should. You should only fill the outside trough for the water, and fill the outside one and the one next to it during lockdown, which is the last 3 days before hatching
It looks like a very very old version of the one I am using. The temperature fluctuations should be extremely small. My incubator fluctuates from 100.5 to 100.7, which is about the temperature it should. You should only fill the outside trough for the water, and fill the outside one and the one next to it during lockdown, which is the last 3 days before hatching
Which one do you use? I could always upgrade
I use a Hova-Bator (TM). I am not sure where my mom got it but it looks very similar to yours. 41 egg holders, except with yellow racks, and still has the 2 plastic windows on top.

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