new to peafowl..strange behavior

As long as it doesn't pick on the pea, a chicken buddy would be good for him until you can get another pea.
If you have younger chickens it would be better, if not just watch them for a while together until you feel that he will be safe with him.
I like to introduce just one new bird at a time to young ones and I do the introduction in an area new to the older bird. It seems to reduce the aggression from the older bird and encourage flocking.

Hope your peas alright and it is just lonely. I've seen a lot of birds and animals that do go all quiet when their world gets turned upside down. Hopefully that's all it is for your little one...I think it very well might be. Imagine going from 30 noisy, pushy companions to just one....and then none. I think I'd be pretty quiet too for a bit! ;)

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