New to raising Chickens in Alabama

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from a neighbor in Coffee County. Glad you joined us. There's quite a lot of us Bamians on here
Thanks I'm glad to be a part of such a large community and get so much good advise. I don't know anybody else that has chickens so I have no one to ask when I don't know something. BYC has taught me alot in a short amount of time.
We have a thriving chicken club in Mobile. It's a long way from Elmore County, but you're welcome to join our closed facebook page. It's Mobile Bay Area Backyard Chicken Club. Ask to join and we'll include you.
Welcome! How are your chickens doing with the heat?
We have a lot of trees so they have a ton of shade we have not had any issues they seem to be very active and happy every once in a while when it is really hot they will lay in nthe dirt under the eve of the house or under the trees and take a little nap lol
Welcome to the wonderful world of chicken raising and to BYC. I am from Coffee County, AL. BYC makes it so easy to get information and wisdom about chickens and I know you'll enjoy being a part of the community.
Welcome to the wonderful world of chicken raising and to BYC. I am from Coffee County, AL. BYC makes it so easy to get information and wisdom about chickens and I know you'll enjoy being a part of the community.
Thank you Heartofchickens, I don't know what my husband and I would have done with out the forums and BYC. We don't know anybody else who raises chickens and didn't have a clue what bwe were doing.LOL Thanks to all of BYC
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