New to the BYC Family & Glad to be!

Hope Hughes

Crossing the Road
7 Years
Apr 1, 2017
North FL
My Coop
My Coop
Hello all! I started raising chickens about 4 years ago. It all stared at Tractor Supply with their dang “chick days”. The flock started out at just 6 hens, and ended up growing to about 50 that free ranged our 1 acre yard in Oklahoma, until about a month ago. Now we are back in Florida. I had more then 50 at one point but most sold and eaten and moving here I kind of had to down size a bit. We are from SOUTH Florida (grew up and lived 21 years in the Florida Keys) and you can’t keep chickens on the islands. People still do and that’s why Key West has them everywhere. People used to say you would get a chicken ticket if you were caught with them. So I was never really around chickens growing up. After getting all the chicks from TS I kind of went nuts. But I can’t help it they are so cute! I am now down to about 20 chickens and some are babies. I bought an incubator about 5 months ago so when we get fully moved I think I will hatch a few more out. Moving to our 40 acres here in the armpit of Florida (near Madison) we have a lot of ticks so we got Guinea’s to help get all that down. And where we bought the Guinea’s they had Chukar (We are avid hunters and the husband wants to stock the property) so now I have those as well. My incubator is now filled with Guinea eggs and Chukar eggs. Hopefully to sell them as well one day soon. So from the time being our little piece of paradise has 20 (something) chickens, 4 ducks, 10 Guinea’s, 10 Chukar and a lot of eggs. Hopefully I will have a post of our Fly pins and Chicken coop up soon. They are still in the process of being built. I’m glad to be part of this big BYC family!!

Hope Hughes
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

Sounds like your poultry adventures are keeping you busy! It all starts out easy enough, a few chicks. Pretty soon you are over run with birds! Ha!

Make yourself at home here and enjoy BYC! :)

It sounds like you have a raging case of chicken math (or poultry math as the case may be). Sorry, no one here can give you the cure because we all seem to suffer from the same issue, lol.

Enjoy all the birds, love to see some pictures if you'd care to share!
I will try to post some photos tomorrow of the chickens and their babies I have here in Florida with me. My other chickens and ducks are still in OKLA.

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