New to the turkey life


In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
Im new to the turkey life, Got a male and a female . And my Female has already layed eggs and is laying on them already. How long will it take her to hatch the eggs? and what kinds of information do i need to know for when the eggs start to hatch?

thats my male, My female is hiding laying on her eggs.
Turkeys take 28 days give or take. You shouldn't need to do anything after they hatch since Mama Turkey will take care of them - that is the beauty of allowing mother birds to raise their own young. All you need to do is make sure there is a food and water source on a level the poults can reach and in which they cannot drown. Mama will show them how to eat and drink, will keep them warm, dry and safe, and will teach them how to forage if they have access to free-range, what is good to eat in the way of bugs and greens, and when to go to bed at night.
Thanks for the information, as im thinking She just started laying on them yesterday. I got some time yet to go/
the tom is a Narragansett, in case you didnt know. for the first couple days you might notice her up off the nest quite a bit. my understanding is that this is normal. i have a hen that just started the setting yesterday full time but for about 4 days before that she was off the nest quite a bit
[COLOR=800080]Hello,[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080] Im new to the turkey life, Got a male and a female . And my Female has already layed eggs and is laying on them already. How long will it take her to hatch the eggs? and what kinds of information do i need to know for when the eggs start to hatch?[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080] thats my male, My female is hiding laying on her eggs.[/COLOR]
Welcome to turkeys. What I found out is they have a lot more personality than chickens. I just had a broody hatch some poults. I started with a trio and that has grown a bunch. Turkey math way out does chicken math. At least it did for me.

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