New to this: 9th day - what should I see when candling?


9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
Richlands, Virginia
This is my first time hatching. I have 2 dozen EE eggs (light green and oliver eggs), and 3 eggs from my hens.
The hens are White Rocks and a Delaware, and the roosters are a little Old English Game Bantam and one of two Silkies.

So far, i'm think the 3 eggs from my hens aren't going to be a success.

Some of the greens/olive eggs have really dark spots, with some I can see a veiny looking shadow.

This is day 9 - what should I see when candling at this point?

Thank you!!
I usually do my first candle at day 10. Sorry the pic is a little fuzzy.

This is an egg I candled at day 10.
when first starting to candle, it helped to have one that wasn't developing to use as a baseline. a non developing egg will light up like a globe, the yolk will be seen floating. the more you do it, the more details you will see. you have to learn what to look for me. for me, it helped to see what "nothing" looked like. my 6 year old daughter can tell bad eggs from good eggs now, and can even see veins in turkey eggs with their thicker shells and speckles.

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