New to this - interested in 2 chickens to raise - rural neighboorhood...HELP!

2. Coops - If you want a decent sized coop that you don't have to build, consider a shed (and for a run, a dog kennel aproned with some hardware cloth for extra security). If you're really only going to have 2 (or may I suggest, 3) birds, then a smaller set up will do just fine. Aim for a minimum 4 sq ft coop floor space, 10 sq ft run floor space, per bird.

3. How hard is it to raise chicks? - Not nearly as hard as I thought. They really just need food, water, a secure space to grow in, and adequate heat. If you want friendly chickens, starting off with chicks is the best way to go in most cases.

4. Are they ok to be left for a weekend - Yes, as long as your run is secure and/or you're ok with them free ranging, though it's best to have a neighbor or something stop by to pick up eggs and check on them. After some time you should be able to gauge just how much food and water they go through to know how long you can be gone for.

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