new to turkeys.

I have sexed my own poults correctly as early as one week but this is having the opportunity to observe everything that they do along with their physical attributes.

Trying to sex someone else's poults from photos is an entirely different thing. For sexing from photos I recommend no younger than 3 months and at least 6 months if it is a late developing tom.

It is helpful to post 3 photos. One full front view, one full side view and one from the back looking down at an angle including the back of the neck and top of head. All 3 views are necessary because each view tells us something different about the turkey.

All photos need to be in focus without any motion blur.
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x2 on how old? I have 5 turkeys. The 2 royal palms I could start telling around 2.5 months but know for sure at 3 months. My Narragansett’s I could start to tell at 1.5 months for them and by 2.5 months I can tell for sure. My Blue slate I could start telling by 1.5 months and for sure by 2.5 months.
Turkeys are the best! If your other birds are from big hatcheries be careful exposing them and the areas they are to your young turkey poults. They are far more delicate than chickens I’ve found and can really be effected poorly by diseases that are often more benign in chickens. I’ve managed to have a happy healthy mixed flock in the beginning when it was small, as long as I didn’t introduce new chickens from big hatcheries - now that I have introduced new outside chickens to the flock and baby turkeys have arrived too, I don’t want to take any chances and keeping chickens and poults totally separate until they are mature.
hi guys new to turkeys .i have 5 royal palms friday i am so excited, i been feeding them 30% game bird. is there any thing else they need in there diet. when can you sex them.they are so cute little balls if fluff.i have geese chickens and Quail.thanks.
How old are you turkeys.? I'm just starting to be sure what I have and they are 3 months old. 2 boys and 4 girls.. 😁

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