NEW What Ya Got Swap! Please see post #1 for rules!

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Mine: Booties (blue please)

Offer: 1. homemade peach or apple jam/pickles
2. Hens Choice 6+ eggs (usually OE/EE or standard brahma mixes)
3. As many button quail eggs as I can collect before Monday (I get three a day and I already have over a dozen)
4. Swap Page:
So I say mine and then chose what I want ,right? Mine
on the Hens Choice.

I have a mix of daylilies 6 + fans ,no ditch lilies in this mix. Will try and add your favorite colors if I have extras of that daylily.
Need to go out and see who has extra increases. Will get pictures of what's blooming if it has extra fans.

If fans are on the small side I will send two small/medium ones in place of one large one.
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So I say mine and then chose what I want ,right? Mine
on the Hens Choice. I have a mix of daylilies 6 + fans ,no ditch lilies in this mix. Will try and add your favorite colors if I have extras of that daylily. Need to go out and see who has extra increases. Will get pictures of what's blooming if it has extra fans. If fans are on the small side I will send two small/medium ones in place of one large one.
Mine on lilies...ill catch up when you get photos up so I can choose which ones i mined!! :p
20$+ in free food coupons...

5 random dated backyard chicken magazines

Mix of olive egger eggs and BBS marans-6
Mine: Coupons

Offer: Available for Swap: I am very flexible, so if you want a combination of things, let me know.

I have a box of chick/quail bands, the rigid, jump ring type, not the rubber band type and there are a variety of colors in the box, it has about 20 rings in it.

These are youth size 11

These are parts for a sunbeam meat grinder, but not all of the parts- if you already have one, these might make good backup parts just in case yours breaks.

Choose two or three (WYG swap) of the following plants: (If you want any combinations of items, let me know)

Sorry for any doubles, I am in the middle of editing my swap page.

I also have a set of 4 of these things for a smoker. They hold your chickens upright inside the smoker, they're like little, speculum shaped stands or racks that fit inside the cavity and hold the chicken upright. Its for one of those weber or weber knock-off smokers; the tallish ones with the dome shaped top.

1. Black Eyed Susan Starts (6)
My brahma boy who was taken from us by a coyote this year.
This is a picture of some of my birds in front of them, they're the yellow flowers with the black centers.

2. Organic Heirloom Tomato seeds (mixed, but a lot of purple tomatoes this year) (3)
Here are some pictures of the varieties I have:

3. Jerusalem Artichoke Starts (6)

They grow an edible tuber that is way yummy

4. Painters Pallette Starts (3)

5. Mixed Pole beans (30 seeds)
I have yard long red asparagus, flat yellow beans, rattlesnake, purple filet, and a green italian flat bean.
6. Oregano start (1 clump)

7. Chocolate mint, Spearmint, Apple mint, lemon mint


apple mint

lemon mint

chocolate mint

8. Variegated Hosta (1 clump)

11. variegated vinca groundcover

13. 1 clump of fuscia bee balm

14. 1 clump of thyme

2. Cissus Quadrangularis/Veldt Grape This plant is a vining succulent in the grape family which looks really cool in a hanging basket (it needs to come in for the winter, or you could keep it as a houseplant all year round, it won't care) and I am led to believe has some sort of medicinal properties and is made into some sort of Chutney in Indian cooking. This plant is also easy to root. You will receive two starts

3. This is variegated water clover, it grows along a runner on the bottom of your pond or other water feature and sends these leaves up to the surface where they do a good job of providing cover for your fish and keeping down the algae. You will receive one nice clump

4. I also have some limelight artemisia. This is an outdoor perennial (pictured here in a planter) and its hardy in zones 3-9 It is really good for erosion control, takes very little upkeep and looks great. I like to use it on the side of a bank where I don't feel like putting vetch and its too sunny for vinca. Its a nice change from other groundcovers because its upright and its got this beautiful variegated foliage. It needs very little water once established and it takes full sun to full shade and it doesn't lose variegation in the shade. It grows up to 2' tall. You will receive about 6 plants.

5. I also have some yellow flag irises which are around my pond, but they'll grow just about anywhere. I will send about 3 large rhizomes or 5 smaller ones.

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6. This is Callisia repens or Bolivian Jew. Its in the wandering jew family, but it has very small leaves. I love it as a "groundcover" for my potted plants. It only grows very shallow roots, so they don't interfere with the roots of the larger plant and it helps keep moisture in the rootball of the potted plant, plus it adds interest to the surface of the soil. I will send one clump with about 7-10 stems. Put it right into the soil and keep it moist, or root it in some water, It is super easy to root.

9. Cattails- These are the same cattails you see all over, full sun, pond or raingarden, they need to be started in at least 3" of water, but don't mind ending up in mud (such as would happen in a rain-garden or drainage ditch) once they take root. These are great at filtering your water or helping to dry up low-lying areas. You will receive three rhizomes.

10. Liriope- This is a perennial in zones 7-10. It is an ornamental grass that gets a purple flower all summer. It is very useful in borders. This requires full sun to part shade. You will receive one clump.

12, Hostas- love the shade, part sun is also okay and I think they are hardy in zones 3-8b. They are good in all types of soil. You will receive one nice clump.

13. I have Bronze Fennel Starts, These are hardy in zones 4a-9b and prefer full sun. They are beautiful and smell really nice when you brush past them. They are a tall, impact plant for your herb garden, which is nice since most herbs are shorter. This is the kind of fennel which you grow for the seeds (i.e. sausage making). You will receive two starts.

15. These are Oxalis Purpurea, they grow from a small, spring/summer/fall planted bulb and can be grown as a house plant or in the garden. They like part shade but can tolerate sun or deep shade. They grow from zone 8-11, but can be brought in and stored in some soil during the winter in cooler zones. You will receive ten bulbs.

16. I have some Perilla or Shiso starts to offer, these are in the basil/mint family and they have a really interesting, basil/oregano/sesame flavor. I like to make them into kimchi or into a salty/sweet pickle and they can really add some nice color when chiffonaded in a salad. They also look gorgeous in your flower or herb garden. These are easy to grow from seeds which you can collect in the fall. These like full sun or part shade and will grow as an annual herb in any zone.

I will send any grouping of these seeds that you like, no limits (within reason). Pick as many seeds as you like along with another item. All seeds were Organically grown and hand collected. You get 50+ seeds per order.

1. Heirloom Tomato Mix: this is a mix of tomatoes that I have grown organically and hand collected this past fall, they are generally disease resistant and split resistant. I try to mix indeterminate and determinate varieties.

2. Dill- this is a variety called mammoth dill, grown organically and hand collected by myself.

3. Bronze fennel- This is a beautiful perennial. It has a bronze color to the foliage and Black swallowtail butterflies love this stuff for laying their eggs. This is the plant that you grow when you want fennel seeds for seasoning.

4. Green bulbing fennel (Florence Fennel)- This is the stuff that you grow to use as a vegetable. The bottom grows into a bulbous structure that is used in a lot of Mediterranean cooking.

5. Black Eyed Susan/ Rudbeckia seeds- very easy to start from seed.

6. Purple Perilla- this is an asian herb which is like a mix of mint, basil and oregano with a little sesame undertone. It is very good when pickled Korean style. As an added bonus, these are a beautiful bright purple/burgundy color that looks great tucked into a flower garden or adds color to your herb garden.

7. Double Black Datura- Devils Trumpet, this is a gorgeous flower with dark purple double, trumpet shaped flowers and black stems, really pretty

2. Cissus Quadrangularis/Veldt Grape This plant is a vining succulent in the grape family which looks really cool in a hanging basket (it needs to come in for the winter, or you could keep it as a houseplant all year round, it won't care) and I am led to believe has some sort of medicinal properties and is made into some sort of Chutney in Indian cooking. This plant is also easy to root. You will receive two starts

3. This is variegated water clover, it grows along a runner on the bottom of your pond or other water feature and sends these leaves up to the surface where they do a good job of providing cover for your fish and keeping down the algae. You will receive one nice clump

4. I also have some limelight artemisia. This is an outdoor perennial (pictured here in a planter) and its hardy in zones 3-9. It is really good for erosion control, takes very little upkeep and looks great. I like to use it on the side of a bank where I don't feel like putting vetch and its too sunny for vinca. Its a nice change from other groundcovers because its upright and its got this beautiful variegated foliage. It needs very little water once established and it takes full sun to full shade and it doesn't lose variegation in the shade. It grows up to 2' tall. You will receive about 6 plants.

5. I also have some yellow flag irises which are around my pond, but they'll grow just about anywhere. I will send about 3 large rhizomes or 5 smaller ones.

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6. This is Callisia repens or Bolivian Jew. Its in the wandering jew family, but it has very small leaves. I love it as a "groundcover" for my potted plants. It only grows very shallow roots, so they don't interfere with the roots of the larger plant and it helps keep moisture in the rootball of the potted plant, plus it adds interest to the surface of the soil. I will send one clump with about 7-10 stems. Put it right into the soil and keep it moist, or root it in some water, It is super easy to root.

7. Spearmint- this is the kind used for mint julep or mojito. It can take some shade, likes damp soil, can even grow as a pond marginal. This does not spread as aggressively as chocolate mint.

8. Painters Pallette: This is a self seeding perennial. It is grown for folaige which is tri-color and it likes part to full shade. You will receive three plants.

9. Cattails- These are the same cattails you see all over, full sun, pond or raingarden, they need to be started in at least 3" of water, but don't mind ending up in mud (such as would happen in a rain-garden or drainage ditch) once they take root. These are great at filtering your water or helping to dry up low-lying areas. You will receive three rhizomes.

10. Liriope- This is a perennial in zones 7-10. It is an ornamental grass that gets a purple flower all summer. It is very useful in borders. This requires full sun to part shade. You will receive one plant.

12, Hostas- love the shade, part sun is also okay and I think they are hardy in zones 3-8b. They are good in all types of soil. You will receive one nice clump.

13. I have Bronze Fennel Starts, These are hardy in zones 4a-9b and prefer full sun. They are beautiful and smell really nice when you brush past them. They are a tall, impact plant for your herb garden, which is nice since most herbs are shorter. This is the kind of fennel which you grow for the seeds (i.e. sausage making). You will receive two starts.

14. Jerusalem Artichokes- These are in the same family as sunflowers, they prefer all day sun. They can reach heights of about 10', but average about 6' in full sun. You will receive 6 plants with tubers attached

15. These are Oxalis Purpurea, they grow from a bulb and can be grown as a house plant or in the garden. They like part shade but can tolerate sun or deep shade. They grow from zone 8-11, but can be brought in and stored in some soil in cooler zones. You will receive ten bulbs.

16. I have some Perilla or Shiso starts to offer, these are in the basil/mint family and they have a really interesting, basil/oregano/sesame flavor. I like to make them into kimchi or into a salty/sweet pickle and they can really add some nice color when chiffonaded in a salad. They also look gorgeous in your flower or herb garden. These are easy to grow from seeds which you can collect in the fall. These like full sun or part shade and will grow as an annual herb in any zone.

I will send any grouping of these seeds that you like, no limits (within reason). Pick as many seeds as you like along with another item. Almost All seeds were Organically grown and hand collected except for the honeydew which is wyatt quarles.

1. Heirloom Tomato Mix: this is a mix of tomatoes that I have grown organically and hand collected this past fall, they are generally disease resistant and split resistant. I try to mix indeterminate and determinate varieties.

2. Dill- this is a variety called mammoth dill, grown organically and hand collected by myself.

3. Bronze fennel- This is a beautiful perennial. It has a bronze color to the foliage and Black swallowtail butterflies love this stuff for laying their eggs. This is the plant that you grow when you want fennel seeds for seasoning.

4. Green bulbing fennel (Florence Fennel)- This is the stuff that you grow to use as a vegetable. The bottom grows into a bulbous structure that is used in a lot of Mediterranean cooking.

5. Black Eyed Susan/ Rudbeckia seeds- very easy to start from seed.

6. Purple Perilla- this is an asian herb which is like a mix of mint, basil and oregano with a little sesame undertone. It is very good when pickled Korean style. As an added bonus, these are a beautiful bright purple/burgundy color that looks great tucked into a flower garden or adds color to your herb garden.

7. Double Black Datura- Devils Trumpet, this is a gorgeous flower with dark purple double, trumpet shaped flowers and black stems, really pretty.

8. Rat Tailed Radish- 25 seeds, this is a non-bulbing radish, you eat the seed pods, they look like litttle rat tails.
They are VERY VERY spicy. Not hot pepper spicy, but radish spicy. Good for pickling when young or eating raw when older, but I like them young and tender.

9. Honeydew Melon- 50 seeds, or more, I'll send whatever I have, I think I'm allergic to them, my lips and throat itch when I eat them, though these vines get such good yields.

10. Cantaloupe Melon- 25 seeds

11. Cherry tomato seeds- 25 seeds
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Okay, the edit feature is really messed up, and its not allowing pictures or spaces so I hope you guys can muddle through it. Here is the link to my swap page, but I'm not sure its going to let you see the pictures. If you can't see them from the link, go to my profile and scroll down to my signature, my swap stuff is on my member page, sorry if you're on a mobile.
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Mine bee balm start


Jar of Saintly salve- cuts ,burns ,bruises or anything skin!


Baby booties, or hat or scratch mittens,


Crochet bookmark


Washclothes large(2) small (4)

Mine on Flowers of Abba's salve!


Chose four plants (all of one or two of each) to ship in three weeks when done flowering.

Daylily Matt......large, ruffled cinnamon are in among the foliage, not high above... two different blooms to give you an idea of the color.

Exhalted Ruler...coral throat with rose....30 from this summer and last.

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