NEW What Ya Got Swap! Please see post #1 for rules!

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ohhhhhhh, ok. I knew I was doing something wrong. lol. I was just introducing myself. Didn't mean to hold up the chain. Sorry, newby here.
Hi Nat! Do you have winter there yet?

shannondee, We were all newbies at one time! Welcome!
Penny, have you got the wool already spun into yarn. I have a friend I would love to get some yarn for, but we don't know how to spin it.

I only have small sample hanks at the moment. I have just been getting back into spinning. I had breast cancer 4 years ago and for a while I have just sold my wool or felted it because it took me a while to get over the mastectomy. I am just now repairing my spinning wheel. What little I have been doing prior to this has been with my drop spindle. So I guess the question is how much are you looking for and at what weight do you want the yarn. I can spin you a sample hank and send it to you so you can see if that will do the job.

And if it turns out that I am a little more rusty than I think I can also point you in the direction of a couple of friends of mine who have awesome yarn already in stock. I can even point you their direction if you want something right off instead of the 3 or 4 weeks it will take me. I am helping my daughter move to Colorado this month so that is part of why getting something spun up this month would be difficult.

And this would be in the capacity of a private swap or deal outside of this chain. You can PM me and talk it over further. Just mouse over my name and the option to PM (private message) will appear.
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We still have Fall here!

One small snow fall in October that melted as it hit the warm, wet ground.......and I'm hoping we don't see any more until after December gets here!
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