New York mini chickenstock 2016

Ridley?? Are you by chance a fan of the Alien movies?! ( panting excitedly, tongue hanging out). I love those movies!

Chicken girl, I'm trying to get my sister and cousin to come with me in May. It will surely make the four hour drive more possible. And I would bring my two boys also, if I come. I'll let you know for sure closer to the date, if we're coming. And what we will be bringing to eat. I'm kinda excited
Yes I am a fan of the Alien movies... but alas that characters name was Ripley. Ridley is named after my favorite director Ridley Scott.
I'm not sure if I'm excited or terrified. . This is the first time I've had people over since I was in my mid 20's. I'm not anti social I'm anti drama and living in town it was always drama. Now it's all animal crap, figuratively and literally. Lol. Either going to get something for one animal or another or cleaning up after one. I love how animal people are so laid back.
Hey 15
I also do not do well in social situations. I am naturally very introverted by nature and sometimes conversations feel forced. I also have the tendency to say the wrong thing, trip, drop things and act very weird at times. Having a common interest helps for social interactions and pets & birds are definitely a help. This outing for me is a huge step out of my comfort zone but for the interest of my chooks. I am planning to come.
Hey 15
I also do not do well in social situations. I am naturally very introverted by nature and sometimes conversations feel forced. I also have the tendency to say the wrong thing, trip, drop things and act very weird at times. Having a common interest helps for social interactions and pets & birds are definitely a help. This outing for me is a huge step out of my comfort zone but for the interest of my chooks. I am planning to come.

It will be good to see you again!
BakerzDozen - I plan to have my yellow tent there again :)

So come on over and be as akward and quiet as you want to be .... I often read a book when other people expect me to chat
So I'm a misfit too
Boskelli - park near me if you like and enjoy the shade with me :) I look forward to catching up with you too ! It is very nice to feel like I am going to see old friends.

I am about to separate the big flock into their breeder areas ! Getting excited and will post pics for everyone to see and evaluate the parent birds before making their final final orders from me.
Hey 15
I also do not do well in social situations. I am naturally very introverted by nature and sometimes conversations feel forced. I also have the tendency to say the wrong thing, trip, drop things and act very weird at times. Having a common interest helps for social interactions and pets & birds are definitely a help. This outing for me is a huge step out of my comfort zone but for the interest of my chooks. I am planning to come.
Maybe you and I can hide in opposite corners and chat via text. Lol. My "farm" is the only reason I'm attempting this.

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