New York mini chickenstock 2016

I'll take him!  I did a bunch of reading up on the breed, they sound pretty cool.  And I am sure that he will get used to me....I sit with the girls after work with a beer every day, they have taken to flying up onto my lap, I don't pick them up or anything.  Have no problem dominace training with him, if it comes to it, have done that for years with giant breed dogs. Consistency and help from the great roo articles here.

Sooooooo excited!  Oh, Ma's cookies fell through so I'm gonna try to bring a tray of various plants (veg and maybe strawberries) for the raffle or to trade, we'll see how it looks.

I'll crate him up tonight. Do you have a box for transport? I have GLW roo, he is 4 and been a good boy. This guy was from shipped eggs, obviously not the best example of a Wyandotte with the straight comb, but still nice eye candy.
Good morning my fellow chickenistas. Due to circumsatances beyond my control, i will not be able to make chickenstock tomorrow. Profound disappointment on my part as i was looking forward to seeing all of you. Have a good time for me and enjoy.
I'll crate him up tonight. Do you have a box for transport? I have GLW roo, he is 4 and been a good boy. This guy was from shipped eggs, obviously not the best example of a Wyandotte with the straight comb, but still nice eye candy.
the comb isn't a huge priority for me, I don't think I'll get into selective breeding for a long time. What I was gonna use was a small dog transporter, bought it for moving my Grandpa's dog in a few weeks, should be more than big enough for a 9 week old.
We have a potty . All clean and ready. I'm getting water today. Hubby (even though he is pretending to be mad about tomorrow) is setting up tables tent and play area for kids.
We have a potty . All clean and ready. I'm getting water today. Hubby (even though he is pretending to be mad about tomorrow) is setting up tables tent and play area for kids.

He will enjoy himself if there are other guys to keep him company ...
Im Also bring lots of 20 used clean egg cartons for the raffle ...40 or 60, or 80 ..not sure how many I do have ..
He will enjoy himself if there are other guys to keep him company ...
Im Also bring lots of 20 used clean egg cartons for the raffle ...40 or 60, or 80 ..not sure how many I do have ..
Oh, yes!!!! Didn't even think about that, I have TONS of egg cartons that everyone has been saving up and giving to me. I'll bring a whole stack. Just cover up the brands/dates with stickers, they're like new.
Please remember to bring water dishes and feed for all critters. Yall can fill waters here but I have limited dishes. I can provide bedding and boxes for transportation and bags for goods purchased or won.
@Chicken girl 15 thanks for the offer the other day to pick up the Sussex hatching eggs, but the lady I know who wanted them ended up going herself & getting chicks from the guy in Afton.
I'm gonna be moving slow but will try to visit with everyone - had the good fortune of pulling a groin muscle at work yesterday. Got my raffle basket ready, baking the muffins early in the morning.

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