New young chick pecked by older hen. How to nurse her back to health?


6 Years
Jul 1, 2013
Aloha all,
We had a happy family of 3 hens and over the last two months two of them have mysteriously disappeared. We think a dog or feral cats might have gotten them during their sunset promenade. The last hen; Maggie Lay seemed quite lonely, so our friend gave us three 4 month old aracauna/silky cuties. We put them in the coop over night and when we checked in the morning. Maggie Lay had apparently been chasing and pecking at the newbies, and the most petite (and my fave) was just sitting in the middle of the coop doing a weird head bob.
I took her out and put the other two (fast runners) in a dog crate. The lil one had some blood on her head (no big gashes) and seemed unconscious. Her head kept bobbing up and down. We managed to give her water yesterday. Today I have her in my home office with me in a small box. I managed to give her a teeny bit of apple sauce and she has opened her eyes a couple of times (when startled).
I feel terrible and I just want help her get better. Any advice on taking care of this cutie?
sounds like she's been traumatized, and maybe has a head injury. i would keep her in a quiet, dark place for awhile and let her rest. i would add some vitamins to her water and try giving her some scrambled eggs. applesauce is not much nutrition for her. you can also try giving her some exact (a powdered food for young and sick birds that you mix with water - available at most pet stores),

when introducing new birds, it's good to keep them in a separate pen for awhile where they are protected but can see each other. this is also a good idea in case any of the new birds are sick. most vets recommend a month of separation, but if you know the new birds and are certain that they carry no disease, a week might be enough. you'll need to monitor the flock a bit when new birds are introduced.

good luck, lynn
Had some thing similar not as severe though, new hen had some I jury's few days later all introduced again all ok. Some one said better to place new hens in pen at night x
Thanks for the advice guys.
She just passed away

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