Newbie looking for help understanding new chicken


5 Years
Jul 7, 2015
Peru, Indiana
My name is Janet, I am new to the whole chicken world and I just posted a pic of my new chicken that I am concerned aboutin the introduction of new members forum. I was advised that its a male game bird. I received him from my uncle because all of his hens and roosters ( including the young ones) were severely eating this guy up. He would rarely leave them rafters of the barn the coops were placed in. I have 6 6-7 week old road island reds and he is the same size as they are. He seems quite small to me. Anyways....he wants to sit in the nest box all the time, I have to encourage him to come out for food or fresh air. Each day he seems a bit more relaxed but something inevitably scares him back into the nesting box. He is eating and drinking but I honestly can't say how much. I hand feed live mealworms to my girls several times a day and he wants nothing to do with that, even if I put them on the ground near him he still won't eat them. I have not seen him peck the ground or scratch the ground once, he only eats the chick starter feed I give to my girls. I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to help nurture self confidence in this little fella. I am trying hard to give him his space and time to adjust while at the same time allowing him to watch me interact with my girls. He doesn't even interact with them at all and they seem to completely ignore him, except for one who has chosen to stay with him some of the time the girls are exploring....I so much want him to feel ok about life. He is super quiet when he talks and doesn't talk often, as though he doesn't want to bring attention to himself. Also, when he is in the nest box, he faces the wall rather than the front where he would be able to see outside. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Here is a picture of my little Francis ( I didn't know if he was a boy or girl so I named him Francis)
Poor guy. Sounds like he's stressed out.

When chickens are bullied or when they are taken from a place they know (even a bad place) it is stressful to suddenly have a whole new world put in front of them. I'm glad you are taking such good care of him
(keep up the good work), but he will still need time to adjust.
He was bullied so bad he has learned to behave in this manner so as not to be harmed. It is learned trait that can be hard to unlearn. Talk gently to him, sit near him and read a book (don't stare at him), offer fun treats. He should eventually start becoming more bold and should fall in love with his girls as they get older and he becomes the flocks rooster.

I do hope the best for him and your flock!
I just thought I add, he looks a little pale. Could he be suffering from worms or an infection from an injury?
I'm quite sure he has some ailments. He has so many injuries, his comb is only half attached and he has sores all over his beautiful little face. I have no idea what he should like but I feel as though his tail isn't right. I'm in the works of trying to get him into my vet. I bought medicated food for him but have been afraid to do much more to him in fear of stressing him out even more. As I mentioned, I am completely new to chickens. I have only had my RIRs for a month and I had been overwhelmed with all the I fo I was finding each day on them and I knew what to look up and they started out healthy. I have spent HOURS trying to learn what breed Francis was so I could understand what to expect from him and researching how to fix him up without bringing more stress. My uncle believed he was about to die soon if the others didn't kill him first so it was such a quick decision to bring him here. Is it too much to ask what you recommend for his ailments? I bought some medicated dust to put on him for mites, I dusted him once on Saturday but feel I may have upset him terribly. I was careful to rub the dust into his feathers without too much particles flying around to hurt his breathing. I want to rub some vitamin E ( my favorite go to for all boo boo's) on his face and comb but I KNOW he will not approve so I haven't done it, also, I fear it will be uncomfortable as it is a Vaseline base. I will do ANYTHING
Thanks for all your kind words
He looks like an OEG, and he looks like he doesn't feel too good. He should get on some antibiotics for any infections he may have because of the wounds on him. You can treat him for worms with some wormer from the feed store.

I hope this helps:

Here is what a normal OEG rooster looks like. This guy lost his comb later due to frost-bite. He is bullied, as he is one of the lowest roosters in the flock, but he's my only real bantam rooster (besides silkies), so I keep him to breed with my bantam hens.

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