Newbie needing advice

Thanks so much to everyone! We are in Ohio. The Owners have agreed to meet us before closing to give us a lesson on care for the turkeys, chickens and bees. They have a chicken coop - we saw three eggs while we were there, so they are laying. They have an entire acre fenced with 6-ft no climb horse fencing. It is predominately wooded. I didn't see where the turkeys would go for shelter - unless they go in the coop? I know the owner had built a smaller enclosure for the turkey and poults last year, though he said they outgrew it pretty quickly so I am trying to brainstorm some type of enclosure we could quickly create (makeshift for the year) while we try to move in (April 1). Or maybe they will be leaving us their enclosure - we don't know yet - but either way it isn't big enough as the poults grow. Right near the pen is a 30x40 pole building with a concrete floor. Would it be better to have a temporary enclosure inside? Or maybe located within the fenced acre? If the hen has already started laying eggs (I know the owner said she would start soon but I don't know what "soon" means) can you move the nest? Ahhhhh - so many questions!

Will predators attack full-size turkeys?

When we were there for the house inspection, we walked the perimeter of the fenced acre and Tom followed us around and the hen and chickens followed him all around too. How do you protect the bottom of the fencing from predators? I read about electrical strands - but that seems a lot for an acre enclosure? I feel very excited but very overwhelmed with not a lot of time to research.

Thanks for the suggestions about searching the site. My husband had meat chickens when he was a kid, but we are both new to layers and most definitely new to turkeys. Our experience is with cats and alpacas only!
If there are a lot of trees around, that is probably where they perch, as they will try to get as high as possible. The pole barn would do nicely, just spread some hay or straw around for the hen to make a nest and a couple bales for the hen to hide with her babies behind. I diffinently would move her and her eggs or poults to safety. She will follow the poults and keep them close.
In Ohio, I would think the turkey hen would be laying by April, but I live down South, so don't know for sure.
Only large predators will attack a full grown turkey, like a wolf or coyote, but the poults will be easier for predators.
Turkeys are the most curious creatures that I have ever seen and very smart, too. They can open feed bags, gates, etc. They are very personable and a lot of fund and very addictive! I love them.I liked chickens, so I got ducks and geese, the ducks were fascinating, the geese elegant, but stand off-ish, but then I got turkeys and fell in love with them! Thy will follow you around like dogs do. Good luck!
We have had turkrys the last few years. Yes love them way more then any poultry. Just like dogs, the way they follow you, and protect everything else.

As for shelter, ours live in a coop. with an outside run, we let them free range durning the day. (when someone is home) Before the sun goes down, and they go to start roosting, I round them up, and send them to the coop. They don't like it, but hey, it's life..
Keeps them safer, and they get to know the routine..

congrats on your new place, and Welcome to BYC!

I wouldn't buy a book, all info is free online. I trust most of the stuff on this site... When looking for info, just don't trust, the first thing you read.. Most people will chime in, when agreeing or disagreeing. Your new house/farm will have many cost. Enjoy this, free site

Also, a big information/helper of everything is the older man, at our local feed store.
He has helped/given me so much info. He has all the local connections, everyone goes there for feed. Befriend your local guy, he knows way more then most give him credit for. He's held my hand threw every new project. And he really knows everything!!

Can't wait to hear how it all goes!!
Congratulations on your future farm!! How exciting that your home includes the turkeys and chickens!! I hope you love it. Best of luck to you !!!

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