Newbie needs advice please....

Have to somewhat disagree here.
The more you protect your flock from the elements with artificial elements the less they will be able to withstand the elements.
The more you spend is the more it costs
They will eventually learn how to stay warm without any artificial elements.
Hey I agree with you...just wasn't sure of the best way to transition them to having no light. I don't think heat is the issue as the coop is 80 degrees (it's hot here in TN!) and they are fully feathered. I don't want to add heat in the winter but I moved them to the coop when they were still needing extra heat and they got used to having the light.
I think i'll add my two cents now.

Since you agree that they don't need heat, then i would say pull that light tomorrow and don't turn it back on. They will figure out that they have to get on the roosts while they still have some light. The longer you leave the light out there, the longer they will depend on it. At six weeks (i'm not sure if i read mixed messages on this one, so i'm just clarifying) they should not imho need any extra warmth. They may simply need to get used to the new conditions, which won't happen until you pull that light.

Oh, and many welcomes to the world of raising chickens! You're going to have a blast!
They may squawk and holler a while too when the light is taken away. Just like a toddler not wanting to be put in bed by himself. But that will go away, and so will the roosting issue. In time they'll figure out they need to claim their favorite roosting spot while it is still dusk out. (I have one that will even enter the coop 15 minutes before the others so she can claim her favorite spot in front of the window! lol)

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