Newbie needs help identifying roosters


May 5, 2017

I'm a newbie here just starting my flock. I am raising 7 (5 SL Wyandottes, 2 Leghorns) in a suburban setting and I am not allowed to have roosters. I bought pullets from Tractor Supply and was hoping they would be female, but they are not sexlinks so I suppose there is no guarantee right? They are about 2.5 months old now, assuming they were 1-2 weeks from Tractor Supply, and I noted some aggressiveness and something like a crow from a couple of the SLWs. Please have a look and let me know if you think these are roosters. I am terrible at judging the feathers but the combs seem so different between some of these, and the ones with bigger red combs and wattles are the ones being pushy and getting vocal. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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It is hard to see with the red light, but I believe I see a couple of SLW roosters, and at least one pullet. The leghorns are pullets.
Photo #1:Top left, Cockerel, Middle Right, Pullet, Bottom Back, Pullet, Bottom front, Pullet.

Photo #2:Back Right, Cockerel, Front left, I have a feeling cockerel.

Photo #3:99.9% sure it's,a Pullet

Photo #4:Far Left, Pullet(?), Middle, Cockerel, Far Right, I'm pretty sure Cockerel.

Photo #5:Far back Left, pretty sure it's a Cockerel, Middle, Pullet, Far right front, cockerel.

So it looks like you have two or three cockerels in there(roosters)and about three-four pullets(hens)
It is hard to see with the red light, but I believe I see a couple of SLW roosters, and at least one pullet. The leghorns are pullets.

x2 and
Thanks everyone. You are confirming what I thought. Although it gets confusing when I've read that even hens have large wattles, and this can be a sign of good egg-laying potential. If the TSC had these vent sexed their accuracy is a little off, seems like 4 of 7 were correct. We originally wanted to get the NYS mandated 5 minimum, but got 7 to not leave 1 or 2 behind. Now it looks like we will have 4, so that's fine for us newbies. I'm on the fence about whether to try to give them to a farmer or to have a few chicken dinners, thoughts?

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