Newbie needs help with run material...

While you're getting a handle on it, it's a good idea to get the reusable fly traps that look like plastic jars. After using the bait it comes with, a couple of bits of cat food works from there.

I was amazed and grossed out by how many flies the 3 traps I have catch. But it sure beats them buzzing around while I'm cleaning. Once a week I dig a hole, dump the traps into it, and reset them. DO NOT forget about the traps, the flies will breed in it. Oops!

What you do with poo will have an effect on the flies as well. I had to restructure my compost pile because it wasn't getting hot enough and they were able to breed there, as well as pick up dog doo more frequently.

Last week I bought a garbage can and big bags to fit it, and have been throwing it in there, my compost pile is about as big as it can go this year and I don't have space to expand or start a new one. Deep litter method has the compost in the chicken area... but I opted for sand. The run is super easy to care for with sand in it, so long as it's dry. We covered it with a tarp to see if we wanted to go through the expense of a proper roof, and we will. A roof makes all the difference.

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