Newbie , Please help...........Best breed for my family

Thanks so much for the replies,

I understand chickens do make noise, it is just that I would prefer a less noisier breed if possible ; )

I have read up a little on a few different breeds if any one has any input on any of these breeds I would love to hear it, good or bad.

ok this is what I found so far

Orpingtons........calm, docile, friendly but loud some say ?

Black Astralorp- sounds perfect, am I correct that they also come in white and blue? what exactly is a blue?

Plymouth Rock..........docile, friendly, easily handled...this all sounds great also but are they overly loud? it didnt say ??

Sussex............calm, gentle, active,curious, friendly, easily handled.

Now, I don't know how available any of these breeds are and I know with the Orpingtons they say they can be picked on because they are so docile......can they be mixed with other docile breeds and do o.k?

thanks so much for any help

Thanks everyone.............I'm writing all this down!!! : )

We have a large fair in Topsfield MA. coming up and now I will have a bit more to go on when I go to the poultry barn : )

I have buff orps, RIRs, BRs, & Australorps. None of them make much noise at all except when the roos get into a crowing contest
The girls may croon a little, but they don't really even cackle much after laying. The buffies and the barred rock hen are the most laid back, calm ones of all. The aussies are a bit spazzy sometimes; they'll all just take off half running, half flying across the yard as a group. Funny to watch, but it freaks out the biggest roo. He'll run after them with his "arrrrrrr!" sound like "Where are you going?!" or "What the heck is going on?!"
Hi zookeypr12. I got your message...

Lots of folks like bantam birds because they're smaller, less food, smaller amounts of poop, but the trade off is smaller eggs.

I love the look of the barred rocks. I haven't had any, though.

My favourite (Don't let Obelisk know) was Slifer. She was a Light Brahma/Leghorn mix...a humungous bird, but she was very quiet, except for her crowing which is another long story.
Brahmas are also cold hardy. But not really happy with hot and humid.
Another bird to look into are Easter Eggers. They can lay blue or green or pink eggs depending on what's in their mix...

Cochins are good...but they can go broody a lot!

Checking out Topsfield is a great idea, but you may come back with more birds that you want...

There's a couple more Weymouth chickenfolks too.
A simple life

Welcome to BYC.
I always considered my brahmas to be very quiet chickens. Then they started laying and when I'm out with them I find them to be noisy. Usually around egg laying time or when they really REALLY want out of the coop and I can't let them out for some reason or the other.
Still, their coop is about 60 ft. from the house and we don't hear them when we're inside and can barely hear them when we're outside.
How do you pronounce "Faverolles"? I just saw this one on the link that bearcat provided and they look like ones I want. I just don't want to go around misprouncing it sounding like an moron.
For Brown eggs....I love my silver-laced wyandotte and my Black Australorps. They are both sweet and very quiet. The BA's will fuss when they are separated.

If egg color is not a preference...I love my EE. She is talkative to us but quiet at other times. Green eggs and she is laying 4 sometimes 5 per week.

EDIT: The Fav ur elles are sweet and shy. They are supposed to be quiet but mine scream like they are being killed when you pick them up. They lay a cream colored egg. Mine are not laying size yet though.

I have 4 of them and they are very nice.
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