Newborn chick Hernia????


8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
My silkie chicks are between 1-3 days old. I have 16 of them, one or 2 were born with what looks like a red blob where their umbilical cords were. one of them looks to have dried up and been sucked inside. but it was a smaller lump. the chick who still has it has a large red blob still and is leaving little red spots every where. it is the only one cheaping constantly, all the others are happy.

so my questions are these.
1) what is this lump?
2) will it dry up and dissapear like the first?
3) is this a death sentence?
4) will the chick be in pain?
5) should i put it out of its misery?
6) what do i do?

Hard to tell if you are referring to the umbilicus or the yolk sac. You can put a dab of flour on it if it is actively bleeding. It should resolve on its own soon. Try holding the chick up closer to the heat lamp for a minute. If it stops chirping, it is cold.

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It's not the yolk sac. its currently pressed as close to the heat as it can get and it looks a little happier. i will try dunking it in the flour though. the other chicks keep pecking at it though.
yeah i just put a bit of flour onto the red blob. i havent seen any more blood spots yet. but im not sure if the red blob will go away by itself.
I would give it time. Do you have any pics? That may help.

I'm so glad you didn't dunk her. I was picturing a precooked chicken nugget.

Edited to say: You probably can't post pics just yet. You need to participate in the forum a bit more. It won't be long.
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LOL, i wasnt going to roll her in the flour. although as a silkie baby she is about the size of a nugget, maybe a tiny bit smaller.

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