Newly Hatched Chick Can Not Walk.


10 Years
Apr 25, 2014
One of my chicks pipped on the wrong end and needed help hatching. He managed to get out of the shell very early this morning and he still can not walk. I have been giving him honey water and cooked egg yolk mixed with chicken feed softened with the honey water and heated up a bit. He pooped a few minutes ago in the incubator so I took him out and put him in a box with a heat lamp. He chicks loudly and stumbles around but doesn't seem to be splayed legged. Does he just need longer after having such a hard time hatching? Is there anything else I could be doing to help him?

His one leg is usually out in front of him a bit. I think because I helped him hatch he came out of his shell too early. His yolk and blood were absorbed before he came out of his inner membrane but he is still very weak.
I'd just give him time. After chicks hatch they can go 48 hours or more without food or water.
You could put a water dish near him. Make sure he doesn't drown in it though.
I've heard of putting chicks in a cup to help them strengthen their legs. The cup holds them up and helps their legs. I'd put bandage wrap on his legs to help keep them in the correct position.
He has already been fed a couple times because he was so weak. I thought once they have ate ir drank once they need food regularly because their system has been started.
He has already been fed a couple times because he was so weak. I thought once they have ate ir drank once they need food regularly because their system has been started.

They don't need food or water for several days because their yolk sac is still inside and they will live off of that until it is used up. I had one that went 4 days before walking or drinking and it was another day before he ate, he ended up being fine. The fact that he ate and drank will not affect the absorption of the yolk, and he probably is just weak from the problematic hatch. Hope he does well for you!
He is looking a bit better. Fingers crossed he makes it. His daddy was killed on the road just after I started incubating these eggs.
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There is definitely something wrong with his legs. The one is way out in front.
Can anyone point me to a thread with pictures of how to bandage his legs together? I looked but couldn't find one.

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