Newly hatched chick noisy in incubator


Jul 21, 2020
me and my daughter just watched our first chick hatch, now that the chick is out it's chirping so loudly inside the incubator . The thermometer says 99.5 degrees and humidity shot up to 85% from 70% when the egg opened up.What could be the problem? Is this normal?
me and my daughter just watched our first chick hatch, now that the chick is out it's chirping so loudly inside the incubator . The thermometer says 99.5 degrees and humidity shot up to 85% from 70% when the egg opened up.What could be the problem? Is this normal?
Lower your humidity next time to 55-60% at lockdown then when they hatch the increase won’t be too much. 85% is quite high and could cause issues, but can’t do anything now besides wait it out. Just remember that when chicks hatch they create humidity so it’s best not to go over 60%

The chick is fine it’s just noisy because it’s the only one and lonely. It’s chirping will encourage the others to start hatching.

I would remove the chick once it’s dry. Leaving them in too long in my opinion makes them blah because they need water. The yolk the absorb supports their food source, but doesn’t hydrate them enough in my opinion. My broodies usually bring their chicks to water between 12-24 hours after hatch so I try mimic that when I’m hatching in the incubator.
If it's really bothering you: put a towel over the clear part of the incubator, so it is darker. This seems to make the hatched ones settle down and take a nap, but the unhatched ones keep working on hatching. (I assume it's more like being under a hen: dark.)

Of course, you don't want to block ventilation, so be a bit careful how you arrange it.
Nothing. His chirping will encourage the others to hatch. DO NOT open the incubator until other chicks have hatched. The sudden change in temperature can be detrimental for the eggs that have not hatched yet. Give it 36 hours before you remove him (many people have different opinion on how long you wait after the first hatch.)
Personally i don't ever remove the 1st chick until it has a buddy. So that it's not in a brooder alone and so it can encourage the others. ButI don't ever leave it longer than 12 hours. I know other people have different opinions, but that's just what I do personally

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