newly hatched chick won't open eyes and won't move


6 Years
Feb 27, 2013
I have an incubator in my classroom and one of my chicks had hatched when I came in this am. The little chick won't hardly move, cheap, or open its eyes. It's a buff orphington. It feathers still look wet also. Anything I can do?
When I hatch eggs (my incubator is very small) - after they all hatch I remove them and put them in the brooder since they will not dry off in the tiny incubator. I make sure the temp. is 95 and keep them VERY closely watched until they dry off...then I lower the temp to the 90-95 recommended range for the first week.

Other than moving the little one to the brooder so he will dry I don't know what to tell you. If you have other eggs in there it might cause them to shrink wrap if you open the incubator, though. In that case, I'd just wait the usual amount of time.
would it be possible to snatch the chick out quickly and spray some warm water into the incubator to keep the humidty UP.

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