Newly hatched silkie, possibly unabsorbed yolk attached to shell?


In the Brooder
Jan 21, 2022
Hey all! My little silkie baby just hatched about a half hour ago. She is attached to the eggshell still which I've seen before and all turned out fine, but this time there appears to still be something in the egg that she's attached to.. like a bubble almost.. I tried to snap the best pictures I could, I can't tell if there is air or fluid in that sac. Is this an unabsorbed yolk sack?

The incubator has not been opened at all since the beginning of lockdown. She had no issues hatching. She's chirping away and looks healthy. But that bubble concerns me.. this little one is from my sweet silkie rooster who became disabled not long after fertilizing this egg, he likely will never father anymore chicks. I am really hoping this is just something normal and he/she will be alright! There is only one other egg in with her and it's not looking like that one is planning to hatch.


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