Newly laying Pellet Hen concerns


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2020
I have 5 New Hampshire Pellets. Just started laying August 3rd. I am getting approx. 2 to 4 eggs a day....considering the summer heat in San Diego. Marge is my largest hen and seems to be having trouble laying eggs. (I think its her but bot positive) for the last 4 mornings in a row I have found 2 shell less eggs on the dropping board "poop deck". She sits in the nesting box each day pretending to lay an egg. She is getting picked on a bit and I think she is a little stressed out but seems to be ok, eating and drinking. They are on layer feed and oyster shells. My question is: is this normal and when should I be concerned. Got a rubber egg every once in awhile but now she has laid 2 rubber eggs each day for 4 days in a row.
I wouldn't worry if they are otherwise fine; it can take a while for the kinks to clear the system.
Got a rubber egg every once in awhile but now she has laid 2 rubber eggs each day for 4 days in a row.
Are you positive both eggs are from the same bird?
Wonders if she getting enough to eat..and if she's eating the OS.
Stress from being picked on can effect both feed consumption and egg production.
After a month of laying, I'd be concerned with the increase in soft shells.
How big is your coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics would help here.
Crowding can cause stress and bullying.

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