Newly laying pullet


9 Years
Oct 19, 2014
Upstate new york
Today I noticed my 22 week old pullet doing something extremely odd. She later her first egg five days ago but today was the first time I saw her actually do it. I must have caught her at the tale end of laying because she was standing up in her box. In the nesting box there is pine shavings. She was picking them up and throwing them on herself! She would put a piece in her beak and fling it onto her back. So strange! I hope this is normal because I have no explanation for this odd behavior. Any thoughts?
Many hens will do this. I believe it is a throwback to the days when a hen would cover her nest to protect the eggs from predation. Just a theory, but it sounds good.
Welcome to BYC. I'm glad you decided to join our flock. Congratulations! It's always exciting to get that first egg. :eek:) I think sourland has the right of it regarding your pullet's behavior. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. What kind of pullet do you have?
Oh thank goodness, I half thought she was having some form of a mental breakdown! Ironically my second pullet layed her first egg today and did the same strange thing. Good to hear this happens
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC and Happy Holidays! Congratulations on those first eggs!
Welcome to BYC!
Many hens will do this. I believe it is a throwback to the days when a hen would cover her nest to protect the eggs from predation. Just a theory, but it sounds good.
I think sourland is probably right and I have seen hens doing this before. Congratulations on those first eggs!

Merry Christmas!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Yes, some of my girls do that too. They are trying to cover up their eggs to keep them hidden.

Enjoy all your babies and welcome to our flock!

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