Newsflash: DH says he can tell a difference!


13 Years
Aug 12, 2009
BuCo, KS
My Coop
My Coop
You have to understand, my DH is an engineer. This means he doesn't get emotional, claims that people's claim's that they are able to tell a difference between competitor's products are hogwash and so on. When I told him I wanted to keep chickens so that we could eat better eggs, I never actually saw him roll his eyes when I talked about the superiority of home-grown eggs but I felt him rolling them behind my back. We got our first egg right after Christmas. I hard-boiled it and we quartered it so everyone could have a bite. DD, DS and I all proclaimed it to be the best tasting egg we'd ever had. DH said "it tastes like an egg". Sigh.

Yesterday morning DS asked for scrambled eggs, and DH agreed to make them. When I walked into the kitchen, he was moving them from the pan to DS's plate and he turned to me and said "I can't believe the difference in these eggs from store bought eggs. The white is THICK, the yolk is ORANGE and THICK and the shells are THICK". Well, duh. This morning DS again asked for scrambled eggs and DH actually came looking for me to tell me again how much better these eggs are. He even said "no wonder you're so proud of your home-grown eggs". Wonders will never cease!
HAH! Isn't that somethin'! My parents, who are very snobby and skeptical about everything, told me the eggs I gave them from my chickens were the best eggs they ever ate! It about blew me over!

Congratulations to you! That is awesome!
They ARE so much better. I never used to eat eggs, because my stomach would churn all day after eating them. Now I eat them all the time and no tummy problems.

Last fall, I ran out of eggs, and *gasp* had to buy store bought. I never realized how pale the yolk were and I pretty much pulverized the shell cracking them. My home grown ones you have to give a good hard whack to crack that's what I did with the store bought and the shells just crushed.
Have you given him the Nanny Nanny Boo Boo yet
I hate to tell you how tempted I am to get some more little fuzzy butts. I am deliberately staying away from the feedstore at the moment just to be safe! I *am* thinking about getting each of the kids a chick for Easter though. At least that's what I'm telling myself - that I'd be getting them for the KIDS!!!
Mine said the same thing.. Unfortunately, he hasn't said anything different.. But that's ok... The rest of us can tell the difference!!

Hubby always ate eggs but now he eats lots of eggs. I made deviled eggs for our local hang out on V day. I had to make an extra dozen because of him munching. He now makes hard boiled so he can snake on them. He also wants me to have more chickens. Just gotta love him.
I hate to tell you how tempted I am to get some more little fuzzy butts. I am deliberately staying away from the feedstore at the moment just to be safe! I *am* thinking about getting each of the kids a chick for Easter though. At least that's what I'm telling myself - that I'd be getting them for the KIDS!!!

Hey, whatever works!
Okay, my DH is weird then. Maybe he doesn't eat them because I incubate so many, but...he used to eat 2 dozen a week, now he hardly eats any unless I buy some...what the?!?!?! Something is wrong with him
Me and the girls never ate many eggs anyway. Oh well...more fluffy butts

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