Newspaper article about our chickens

6chickens in St. Charles

10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
St. Charles, IL

in St. Charles, IL.

The "front page" photo is our babyroo, Mr. Meatbird. Since the reporter came out to do a story, he has been happily rehomed, we miss him dearly but he is in a very good place. What a beautiful pic!
Any advice on how (or if) to respond to negative feedback regarding this article?

Already some "comments" on the newspaper website following the article are the usual negative rhetoric , from people who don't know or understand basically anything regarding the care or keeping of a chicken. Luckily, a responder called "chooks" is setting the negative commentaries straight with factual rhetoric.

Well, I have my all-things-chicken-binder just in case we get visitors. . . .

I am sorry to say, the chickens were going through a moult during their photo shoot. I feel sorry for them.

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