Newtown, Conn School Shooting

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Is it mandatory or an elective?
Here in my district of TN there is no offering of gun safety classes. We do have trap teams and the ROTC's use real rifles during shooting competitions. 5-7 years old is a great time to teach kids the safety of guns. Especially the household fire arm. My father cleans his guns in the kitchen, when I first started showing interest (the first time I saw him do it) he immediately educated me on the handgun.
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I have no idea about the specifics. My son is currently too young for it so I haven't bothered to look into it beyond seeing it on the schedule for the older elementary kids.
I tend to be way more liberal than conservative on most issues but I try above all things to be logical. In an ideal world, a gun ban would solve our problems. No one would have guns, no one would have a use for guns and we would all live happily ever after. However, I don't think that is a valid option here in America. Bearing arms is too entrenched in our national culture. We are a stubborn, headstrong and overall resourceful people. Here, banning something just means that law abiding citizens no longer have it...otherwise we'd never hear about problems with meth, cocaine, etc. I'm not a hunter and I don't like guns, but I have one. It is kept where only I can get to it but as a young woman whose husband travels for work, I am often alone with two young children and I will protect them no matter what the cost. That is my priority in life and, I'm sure, the priority of parents everywhere.
I think if you and any mother were standing in that classroom with a CW this event would have been ended different. People need to understand that this world is not Disneyland and you need to have the ability to protect yourself at (God forbid) the pivotal moment when it counts.
Chickened, I agree. Almost all of the recent situations have been with a shooter in places where "legal" gun carriers are not allowed. If the staff was allowed - or required - to have a weapon, and trained to use it, would we still be hearing how "unarmed administrators" courageously ran into the gunfire, but 20 children still died? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe, if they were allowed to have guns and knew how to use them - there would not have been such a massacre.
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