Newtown, Conn School Shooting

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Comment Deleted. I have neither the time, energy or inclination to argue religion because of one short word in a very long post. I think it is important that we respect one another's religious beliefs or lack therof and I refuse to follow up one thinly veiled derision with another. It isn't worth it or productive to the conversation.
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Your magic man in the sky and prayers will not solve anything. Shootings are a everyday thing in Connecticut, maybe not school shootings but they are very common around the cites.

To solve this our society as a whole needs to change our culture is blood thirsty and aggressive to begin with, notice there is never anything good on the news and if it is its always quickly over shadowed by the next bad thing to happen in the world. violent video games, movies, books, TV shows that cant go more then five minutes without someone getting into a cussing contest.

America has the worst education system of any first world country, we are about equal to about Yemen and Jordan in the middle east last time i checked and are mental health care system is just as bad.

Things like gun control probably wont help as weapons are a catalyst and violent media just desensitizes us to violence in the real world. The source i believe is our society's disregard for the mental well being of each other, we have one of the highest rates of bullying in schools and workplaces of any country.

Maybe it is lead or other products we eat or touch everyday that might be dangerous, lead was used in gasoline until 1996 and was believed to be safe, asbestos and tobacco are other items though as safe. maybe in 50 years they will find out some of the things we do today were the reason for are violent tendencies. Like using lead for everything was for the Romans violent nature before their fall.
They need metal detectors , like they have at the airports installed at every. single. school.
Bombs don't need to go through doors.

Better education about and understanding of mental disorders and issues would probably go far. We do not have effective systems in place at all. There are many bloodlessly ruined lives that get no attention at all stemming back to this same root.
This school has locked doors an you have to be buzzed in by someone that looks at you in a security camera...

I know..our school is the same way. But a metal detector at the door would help too..
anything is better than nothing..
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