Next Spring Chick List!

Oh! I'm planning to add a few Jersey Giants (lol, the same breeder raises nice teeny-tiny Seramas--- can you imagine

Just an hours drive, but I have to get brave enough to leave home 'undefended' for that long.).
IF I ever get over there, I'll be hatching my own blue Giants come spring (I'm looking forward to *seeing* the Seramas in person, not sure if that's a breed I want into).
I'd love to find someone who has nice LF silver laced Cochins. I had a super hen that was (for all intents and purposes) stolen, when I sold a group of Rock hens --- they asked about her and I said she wasn't for sale. When I'd caught the 15 hens they wanted, they paid for them, and they were gone.
Later that day, I saw my big Cochin girl was gone too.
I plan on having blue/black/buff/white Orps. (If I can find them.)
Plymouth Rocks blue /barred.
Bantam Cochins frizzled and Non
Silkies Not to sure what colors yet?
Jersey Giants
The more I do research the more chickens I want lol.
How AWFUL people can be, must not have been a "real" chicken person or they would know better!! Dipsy Doodle.. I will have some eggs next spring (silver laced), you can have,..
I would love to get more chickens too. Welsummers (sp)especially.

Most people get more chickens, before the coop. I am thinking of ways to add another coop, so I can get more chickens. Don't tell my husband.

What do you all do with all those eggs??? I know I can give away a few cartons, but what about those that have 10+ chickens. Just wondering though, what do you do with the Eggs??

What do you all do with all those eggs??? I know I can give away a few cartons, but what about those that have 10+ chickens. Just wondering though, what do you do with the Eggs??


I'm sure if you can't find homes for them than your local food kitchen/shelter would be happy to have any extras.

Hmm.. I have a list going of the breeds I'd like to get but I promised dh that I would stop at 15...

I'd love to add some Cochins, and some white egg layers (not sure on breed... they all sound so flighty). And definitely a couple of black astralorps. Hubby (supposed chicken hater) has his eye on the speckled sussex.

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We sell our eggs...about 10 doz/week right now and we still have lots of extras. I give some away too just to cut down on the excess in the frig.
Lisa in NJ
we just got our first chickens EVER yesterday and i already want more!!! sooooooooo, not sure if it'll be THIS spring, but if i ever get any more i'd love an australorp and a favorelle. maybe another ameraucana.

Oooh! I love thinking about the next batch. Been planning and revising over and over for months. I think we are going to get some buff orpingtons and some white orps. Then some standard partridge cochins, a few australorps, couple light brahma (standard) and a few more partridge cochin banties just 'cos they are SO cute and sweet!( And because Calypso is the only hen with her roo so she needs some relief!) I think we are going to try some dark cornish for eating and even see if we can get a cross going.

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