Nice to meet you!


Feb 14, 2018
Santa Fe, NM
I am researching getting backyard chickens. I'm interested in making my home a more sustainable (and affordable) place. I am debating on whether or not to start with 2 or 3 chickens, and I know that these will probably not pay themselves off anytime soon. I live in Santa Fe, so the chickens will need to be breeds that can handle cold. It does not get terribly cold, but we do get snow a couple times throughout the winter. I am a math teacher, I have two cats and a husband, and I have an art background as well.

I'll post when I have chickens and my coop/run built. Nice to meet you all!
If you are in Santa Fe, NM I would be more concerned with heat tolerance vs cold. Also do a proper assessment of how you plan to manage your flock, do you want them free ranging or cooped. has a great introduction to chickeneering. I wouldn't do 2 but 3 or more the low one on the totem pole will get much abuse. Even with 5 in my current flock my low gal gets her tail feathers pulled.

I do recommend visiting the link above and downloading their pick a chicken chart to consider your actual needs.:frow:welcome
X2 on the Heat!

Chickens handle cold very well--They are very insulated

welcome.gif Welcome to Backyard Chickens!
G’Day from down under higginj :frow Welcome!

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

I note you mention you are from Santa Fe but if you include your general location on your profile, this will assist others. Location, climate, season etc can be important factors when members are responding to any questions you may have and vice versa.

You might want to also Find Your State Thread and pop in and say hello.

BYC has a Learning Centre and also Topic of the Week articles which I have found to be a great resource and a one stop shop for questions which may have already been discussed within the BYC membership group. A few which may be of interest to you at this stage are:
Topic of the Week - Getting Started, Keeping Chickens
Topic of the week - Winter chicken keeping
Topic of the Week - Managing Expenses and Saving/Making Money Keeping Poultry

I recommend not having just two because sadly we do lose chickens along the way and if you lose one, you will be left with one very lonely chicken and may need to make a dash to buy her a friend, waive the recommended quarantine etc.

These two articles may also be helpful:
Pickin a Chicken
How Much Room Do Chickens Need

Best wishes and good luck!

If you would like to share Pictures and Stories of your flock when they arrive, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out ;)

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