NO!! Andalusians aren't a broody breed!!


11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Somerset, KY
Please, just to make me happy, tell me my Andalusian is just taking a long time to lay her egg and her growling at everyone who comes near is just because she doesn't want to be disturbed! These aren't supposed to be a broody breed so hopefully she is just being a copycat for a day just to see what all the hooplah is about sitting in a nest all day.
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It can happen. I know someone else whose Andalusian hatched out chicks. It was Sept. and she was having no luck finding homes for those chicks.
Gee thanks! LoL. I have no problem finding a home for any chickens... Have some friends that will take any chicks or chickens I cull.
My major problem would be nest space for my remaining layers.
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