no animal by- product feed- help please!

Well, I haven't had time to read through all of these posts, but I will say that I have started feeding Purina Sunfresh Start and Grow to my chicks. I only have fed one bag of animal by-product feed, and that's only because at the time I couldn't find an alternative. I stopped eating meat because of concern about the way my food was being raised and slaughtered, therefore, I do not want to feed my chicks animal by products and then turn around and eat their eggs. It's as simple as that. Not trying to convert anyone, not getting on a soap box. Just doing what I think is right for myself, my family, and my flock.
It would depend on the type of fermented soy.
Would it be from Tofu, Bean sauce, Yellow soybean paste or from a dietary supplement like a (Fermented Soy Powder)?
The Fermented Soy Powder is around 9 grams of protein per serving size (2 Heaping Tablespoons (32 g).
Now there are Soy Protein Power that are higher in protein but I'm not sure if the are fermented or not but there right around 25 grams of protein per serving size (31.5g of power)

I under stand what you are saying, Let me say that first off but you could support a local farmer and buy your meat from them..
Most local farmers will sell a full or a half a beef. The other thing you could do is buy your meat from a local butcher that buys there meat locally. Most local farmers will take better care of there livestock than they do themselves

I under stand what you are saying, Let me say that first off but you could support a local farmer and buy your meat from them..
Most local farmers will sell a full or a half a beef. The other thing you could do is buy your meat from a local butcher that buys there meat locally. Most local farmers will take better care of there livestock than they do themselves


That would be an option, and one I have thought about, however, I still have to be concerned about the type of feed the local farmer is using. There are a couple of organic, grass fed beef farmers in my area-but on my income, I cannot afford to pay the price they want for the meat right now. Much cheaper for me to not eat meat at all.
Too answer the original question and stay on topic " I want to switch to organic feed or feed w/o animal by products. It seems noone around here carries it. Where does everyone get theirs? Do I need to mix my own?"

My local Feed and Farm which is a Aslin Finch store sells organic feed. It is about double the price of regular feed. I feed my chic's the Aslin Finch brand grower. It is NOT cetrtified organic but the protien is fish meal, it is non medicated about $15 per 50 lbs.

Out local Cenex has organic food also.

Maybe your local feed and farm can order you some, you might have to buy 500-1000 lbs if they order it for you though.

Here is the link to Aslin:

the link to their organic foods ( Hubbard)

this helps
That's pretty much how I roll these days. I made the decision that I need to either:

1. do the deed (raise and process my own meat)
2. pay the price (not really an option for me now)
3. don't eat meat.

So I go back and forth between #1 and #3. #2 just isn't an option. But on BYC, we find ourselves arguing with people who actually buy into the whole "Big Ag" thing and actually believe that Monsanto is out to "feed the world" and that Purina has our livestocks' best interest at heart. One of these Saturdays, I'm going to buy that $7 package of grass-fed bacon at market. But heck, I only just got propane today for the first time since March, so maybe I'll finally cook one of the Black Copper Marans in my freezer.
I just read this whole thread and Im just in shock. Some people are just so sensitive about chicken food. I think that people try to feed their flock the best they can under their circumstances and thats that.

that Purina has our livestocks' best interest at heart

I dont think that people are saying that it is the best feed but it still keeps their flock healthy. I see no problem with the health of my flock on purina start and grow. I plan on switching to nutrena soon so they have animal proteins. Its the best I can do.​
That's pretty much how I roll these days. I made the decision that I need to either:

1. do the deed (raise and process my own meat)
2. pay the price (not really an option for me now)
3. don't eat meat.

So I go back and forth between #1 and #3. #2 just isn't an option. But on BYC, we find ourselves arguing with people who actually buy into the whole "Big Ag" thing and actually believe that Monsanto is out to "feed the world" and that Purina has our livestocks' best interest at heart. One of these Saturdays, I'm going to buy that $7 package of grass-fed bacon at market. But heck, I only just got propane today for the first time since March, so maybe I'll finally cook one of the Black Copper Marans in my freezer.

So could you point out to me where anyone in this thread said they were a Monsanto fan?

Yes, I buy into the "big Ag" thing as you choose to call it. I grew up on a farm and my husband and I have been farming together since we got married almost 37 years ago. Unless you have a farming background I don't think you have a clue about what it means or what it involves.
roll So could you point out to me where anyone in this thread said they were a Monsanto fan?

Yes, I buy into the "big Ag" thing as you choose to call it. I grew up on a farm and my husband and I have been farming together since we got married almost 37 years ago. Unless you have a farming background I don't think you have a clue about what it means or what it involves.


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