No blood vessels, day 28


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 23, 2011
Hi all
I'm new to this forum and to the whole incubating thing. I have 10 duck eggs due at various times ( I have a second incubator to put them in 3 days before they are due so I can manage cleanliness and humidity, I know I kinda messed up putting them in at different times) The first one arrived 4 days early with alot of drama and thanks to this forum is now in the brooder and fluffy and well. I have 3 more due today/tomorrow. I have candled them from the beginning and so know that they developed to a point, the question I have is that now the 3 that are imminent don't appear to be moving (I guess there isn't alot of room in the egg now) and that none of them show up any blood vessels when candled, is that normal for any ducklings about to hatch? One of them has a loose airsac so I've popped it fat end up in an egg carton in the incubator to make sure it's in the right place, there is a small dark triangle bit on the inside of it's egg and I wonder if it'd tried to break through there. The problem was when Minnie (the new duckling) hatched she knocked the other eggs around a fair bit so the airsac would've been all over the place.
Anyway I guess my question is, if there are no veins at this stage are they dead or alive? I've tried the water test someone suggested but they didn't seem to move

The eggs weren't sent in the post, they were laid by my own duck.
Thanks in advance for your advice, this forum is the only thing that got me through the last 48 hours!!!!!
I'm confused... are you saying the eggs have no veins on them at all? Like when you candle they are a light yellowish color through it or that they are dark now and you can't see the veins anymore?
With the chickens I can't see much when they are about to hatch including veins and movement. Be patient!!!!
Hi, yeah no veins at all, when I candle them I can still see the yolk which is yellowish through the light and various bits of shadows but no veins anymore. I wondered if that meant they were just absorbing the yolk and getting ready to come out. Still nothing this morning, they don't smell though so I guess that's a start. I won't be doing this incubating thing again, it's waaaaaaaayyyyyyy too stressful!!!!

But I will just leave them be and wait and see, poor minnie is lonely I'm wondering if I should pop to the local poultry lady and get another day old duckling to keep her company?
if there's nothing at all and you can see the yolk, then it's what is called a clear... never started developing. If you look at the sticky topic index on the hatching eggs forum, you can find a link to a thread where a user posted every day of candling... if it's day 28 and there's been no vein development at all in the first place, toss 'em. Most people toss eggs that don't have development before they go on lockdown so they don't explode, just in case.
Just wait.... It will be to hard to tell for sure if they are viable. Waiting a day or two may be hard but that is the only way you will know for sure!
I am gutted, my little premature duckling, Minnie, died this afternoon, she was so weak looking, I'd just gone to the duck shop to get her some companions so she could snuggle up well, and it was obvious when I saw them (they only hatched yesterday) that she was still very unstable on her feet etc. I am so sad
They did develop, they had hearts and I could see them beating and the eggs have a dark mass in them, just no movement and no veins to speak of, I just wondered if that meant that the chicks had died in egg or if they vessels had drained in the chick etc. Anyway I'll just wait and see, fingers crossed!

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