no crow collars

Hi JennyBean,

I ordered the Medium too. I sure hope it fits because I don't know if they do exchanges and even if they do, I'll have to probably wait another 2 - 3 weeks to get it in the snail mail, and I'm not sure if we can lose that much more !!!
I'm thinking that I might just go ahead and put it on right after he does his 5 PM crow that summons all his girls to start returning to the coop tonight. I'll put it on loosely, just like you suggested and then sit out there and keep an eye on him as they all start to shuffle in for the night. Then tomorrow morning I'll tighten her up some. I'd tell you that I'd tighten it right after he does his first morning crow, but I'd be lying. You see, Kramer starts up between 3:00 and 3:30 every morning
!!! I don't know what time zone he's trying to alert, but it sure as heck isn't !!!

I'll keep in touch.
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You see, Kramer starts up between 3:00 and 3:30 every morning
!!! I don't know what time zone he's trying to alert, but it sure as heck isn't !!!

@ MightyMax~ I couldn't help it the above cracked me up!!

I think you will be fine to put in on him tonight to get him used to it. I bought chicken feed today and just checked on the chickens in the pen. P-Diddy greeted me with his crowing, begging me to let him out to roam.*lol*

So looks like I will be making the collar more snug tonight. I re read the instructions and it said when tightened that only the tip of you pinky should fit under the edge. So mine is still too loose! *lol* THat is okay. I wanted to give him a couple of days to get used to it. Tonight I will tighten it up some more.
I just ordered the No Crow collar for blue ameracauna. I tried the do it yourself technique with soft velcro which worked for a couple of weeks but then he started crowing again.
I was going to rehome him but decided to try this brand first. Fingers crossed it works and I hope it comes quickly.
It is just terrifying tightening up the velcro because it just seems like there is a fine line between not crowing and not breathing. That is the nurse in me coming out. Sigh. Thank You all for your posts of success! It gives me hope.
Another update~ I tightened P-Diddy's collar last night, I made it snug enough for me to put my pinky tip underneath. He was a a good boy with tightening it, but he did the backing out walk off and on for over an hour. I watched him to make sure he was able to breath and do his chicken stuff. He seemed fine other than he was trying to figure out how to back out of the collar. NO screaming or distress was noted.

This morning I went out at 6:00 am to see if he was crowing. He did let out a few crows. They were not as loud as a couple of days ago. It was like a rolling of the tongue then the Rooo part was not as loud. It sounded like he ran out of gas. I don't know how else to explain it. *lol*
I'll see how he sounds when I let them out for forage later today. (if he crows at us) I do think it was a lesser sounding crow. And that is good for me as long as he doesn't get us in trouble for having a roo.

If it stills sound loud, I can tighten a little bit, but not much more. I really don't want to choke him.*lol*

Let us know how things go Spicygal! Good luck~
Well I have to update everyone that may be following this~

P-Diddy isn't getting better. I have tightened the collar as tight as possible now, I even tried putting it lower on his neck. I can't get any tighter and unfortunately P-Diddy was crowing quite loud this morning.

Being that we can't have roosters I have made the decision to rehome him. It's a bummer since he is a nice little roo. But I can't have him get us in trouble with the HOA..

I wish I lived on more land in the country.*lol* OH well. I think this collar will probably work for some of you. It just didn't for my little guy.

Good luck~
@JennyBean ...

I'm so sorry that the no crow collar didn't work out for you and that you're going to have to rehome your little guy !!!

Thought I'd give you an update on our progress with the No Crow Rooster Collar, or lack thereof...

My weekend didn't go as planned (it usually doesn't) and I didn't get to leave the collar on Kramer for as long as I would of liked. As a matter of fact, I didn't even get the collar on him at all. Long story short(er), I only had about half an hour Sunday morning to try this thing out on him, so bright me decided that I'd go ahead and let everyone out to free range except for Kramer. I'd keep him in the coop and adjoining run that way I'd be able to catch him with little or no effort. I mean, come on, this is the little roo that used to eat peas right out of my hand not that long ago. He'll probably just come on over to me when I call him...Right ??? WRONG !!! He must have read the address label on the package I held in my hand, because I no sooner had that collar out of the bag and he was already on high alert just a clucking and a crowing and a dancing all around. After he waltzed me around, through, between and under everything he possibly could that was in the run, he stopped abruptly, turned around to face me and started strutting like his life depended on it. I mean, he was strutting up a storm. Literally! The dust and dirt mixed with the DE I had just put down 2 days ago all twirled together in mid air creating a sort of whirling dervish that temporarily blinded me causing me to stumble and fall unceremoniously on my backside. Fortunately for me, Kramer must have gotten blindsided too because there he was standing statue-like not 6 inches from hand, looking more than a little dazed and confused himself. I could of reached out and grabbed him right then...but I didn't. I just couldn't. He had worn me down. Besides, my half hour time limit was up and I had to be somewhere in less than 15 minutes, so I gathered up the collar, the packaging, the pride I had lost by letting a chicken outrun me and limped back to the house all the time thinking "I have a score to settle with you now my little lovely Kramer boy" !!!

For those of you keeping score it's:
Rooster - one
Keeper of the Collar - zero (but the weekend is almost here...hehe...hehe !!!)

I'll keep you posted !!!
Oh my goodness!! You have had a rough weekend! Darn that little Krammer!!

Do keep us posted. I am not wanting to give up on P Diddy. Lucky for me he is very easy to catch and closes his eyes when his collar is being tightened. I'm going to try again to tighten. Maybe I am doing something wrong. It is almost like the MED collar is to big for him. I feel like I am wrapping it twice around his little neck..

I haven't found a home yet, so I will keep trying I guess. I sure like the little guy.

Good luck this weekend!! Hope it goes better for you this time. *lol*
@ mightymax:

I have GREAT NEWS!! I took the collar off and then put it back on and tried to place it further down the neck. I had to get help holding him while lifting some of the neck feathers up to tighten it as much as I could.

He tried to run backwards off and on to try and get it off. (this always happens when adjusting the collar) Then he settled down into scratching around the coop.

When I came out later today to let them out for range time, he started the normal crowing... But it wasn't LOUD. And it didn't sound like a crow. More of a garbling/scratchy sound! He can't crow like he was that morning! FINALLY!! I think we may have figured out the right setting. He acts like a happy roo running around with his girls too. So this isn't bothering him that much.

Don't get discouraged. I admit I was, but it was trial and error with getting it in the right position under the feathers and making it tight enough. I can't tell it's a Silkie rooster crowing anymore. FANTASTIC for us!! I can keep the little guy!


Hope your weekend goes better~
@JennyBean ...

...That's WONDERFUL news !!!

I'm so excited for you and your roo.!
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your words of encouragement. Hopefully, if all goes well, Kramer will be sporting a new necklace come this time tomorrow !!!
It does make me wonder though, if all of those people who said that the collars didn't work actually took the time to try and figure out exactly how to make them fit so that they would indeed work. Because not everyone is as dedicated to keeping their roosters as you and I are. I know that I would try to properly fit it, and a few of my friends would too, and probably some of your friends would also...throw in a few more people for good measure and you have a grand total of about a dozen or so individuals that have had success using the collar. That sure doesn't bode well for the future of city roos! Maybe now that your story of achievement has been made public more people will take the time to collar their roos instead of cookin' them (I was going to say "re-home them", but that wouldn't have made such a nice !!!)
Well, I have a few more things to read and then it's off to sleepy land for me. Gotta rest's gonna be a BIG DAY tomorrow. I can't wait, although I'm sure that Kramer can !!!
Thanks Again for the update and the tips. I'll let you know how my adventure turns out in a day or two. Of course that's contingent upon me getting it on him in the first place! OK, I must go strategize now. I'll ttyl.

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