no crow collars

on the roo didn't crow till 6 am the last 2 days! But as for today...he snuggled with me back at his usual time of 5 am. Ahhh!
That is great to hear that the collar is starting to work for some of you.

I'm happy to report that P-Diddy is doing Great with his collar still. He has gotten used to it and chases the girls around and does whatever roo's are suppose to do.

He tries to crow, however it is just a very low level. You can't really tell its a crow. The girls egg song is MUCH LOUDER! I'd say 10 times louder than his little peep of a crow.

I'm happy with the No Crow Rooster Collar.
Where is the proper placement for best noise reduction? My rooster still seems to be achieving 80% volume and I have tried two different positions. I wish the instructions had been more clear on that part! What has worked for you guys?
@ChickCrazed I agree the instructions weren't that clear on proper placement.

We had to fiddle with it several times till we have our boy at a quiet level.

It took two of us to do it. I had him restrained with a helper and took the feathers on his neck and lifted them up away from his shoulders. I then was able to tighten the no crow collar better. I just tried to get it as low as I could and as snug as I could. His feathers cover the crow collar.

If you do this, always watch your roo to make sure it isn't too tight and having breathing problems. My roo never showed any issues with breathing, but when it was tightened he tried to do the backing out dance for a day or two.

He is still wearing it to this day and not having an issue. His crow is just as quiet as it was the day we finally got it tightened right.

Hope this helps you!! Good luck~
I don't know if this thread is too old but I'm getting a no crow collar for my roo. He crows from 5 in the morn till dark. I needed to find a solution quick or we would have to give him away. I am attached since I hatched him from the egg. Anyway I will let everyone know how it works out. I hope it works!!
I'm new to BYC and surfing the forums for help with two roosters. We purchased four bantams from a local farm, one bantam passed the second day we had him, two of the bantams have turned out to be roosters, so we only have one hen. The Fleuer De Uccle Rooster is loud, we bought a No Crow Collar for him, which helps lower the volume by maybe 30%. The other rooster just started crowing and hasn't quite found his lungs yet. We have tried reaching the owner of the farm that we bought these from as he said he would help us find homes for them if they turned out to be roosters. Well, he doesn't seem to text back or call back or email back. At this point we have placed an ad on craigslist with the chicken coop, the two roosters and the one hen for $200. We do not want them to go to anyone that does not have farming intentions for them. As backwards as it sounds, I've also tried to find someone to process them but have been striking out there as well. No one processes chickens near the DFW area.

Any suggestions, any advice, I'm all ears. My post probably sounds whiney, but we live in the burbs and want to do to the right thing by all.

I'm new to BYC and surfing the forums for help with two roosters. We purchased four bantams from a local farm, one bantam passed the second day we had him, two of the bantams have turned out to be roosters, so we only have one hen. The Fleuer De Uccle Rooster is loud, we bought a No Crow Collar for him, which helps lower the volume by maybe 30%. The other rooster just started crowing and hasn't quite found his lungs yet. We have tried reaching the owner of the farm that we bought these from as he said he would help us find homes for them if they turned out to be roosters. Well, he doesn't seem to text back or call back or email back. At this point we have placed an ad on craigslist with the chicken coop, the two roosters and the one hen for $200. We do not want them to go to anyone that does not have farming intentions for them. As backwards as it sounds, I've also tried to find someone to process them but have been striking out there as well. No one processes chickens near the DFW area.

Any suggestions, any advice, I'm all ears. My post probably sounds whiney, but we live in the burbs and want to do to the right thing by all.


You probably won't get much help on this thread since it is focused on a particular product for your state thread at the link below. Someone there might be looking for a rooster or might know where you can get them processed.
Ok, so putting on the collar was hard, you need at least 3 people. One to hold the chicken, one to hold the neck feathers up and one to put the collar on or adjust the collar. After properly adjusted he crowed silently. For a little. After a couple weeks or so he was at full volume again!! We promptly tightened the collar but he remains at full volume!! We are going to try and tighten and lower it more but if this keeps up, him and his bud are going on Craigslist. I will let you know if he goes on Craigslist or if we ever quite him.

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