No eggs? What gives?


8 Years
Mar 6, 2011
Upstate South Carolina
I have a healthy backyard flock with mainly RIR's and Leghorns which are all good layers. Recently my Ancona, about a year or so old, became broody for almost 6 weeks! She has not been broody for over 3 weeks now, but has not resumed laying a single egg. What could be going on? She is not molting and is healthy.

White crested Polish hen...I got a few of these gals just for fun, but expected a few eggs from time to time. When I researched them, it was stated that they lay white eggs. To this date, the gals are around 11 months old and still has not laid a single egg! What's going on with these gals? Also, very healthy and happy.

Thank you.
Fall & Winter are not good laying months. Usually they take a break. Polish can be poor layers or good layers. Poor as in a few a year or good as in every second day.
Fall & Winter are not good laying months. Usually they take a break. Polish can be poor layers or good layers. Poor as in a few a year or good as in every second day.
Thanks for the input, but I don't think it is the weather yet. All of my other birds have not been affected and I live in lower South Carolina so it's still good weather. 75 degrees today.
I am going to give up on my Polish hen and just accept her for her individual beauty. The Ancona is still a mystery b/c she stopped producing totally while and after being broody.
Broodies can take six or more weeks to start to lay again after they have set for the full term. It allows them to raise the chicks they have hatched. Yes even if there are no chicks it can take that long.

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