no eggs yet (*update* FIRST EGG vs storebought post #23)

My Easter Egger has been doing the 'egg squat' for the last couple of days! So I can hope for an egg from her any day now, right?
One of my Hamburghs is very red, with a big comb and wattles, but no squat yet.... I just wanna see my first egg!
The Barnevelders are still 'conditioning' themselves, with any luck we might get an egg from them around easter... maybe a chocolate one hehehe
keeping fingers crossed for eggs!! My EE is 9 months old and after posting (again) in reply to "when" questions she started laying Saturday. Got an egg a day for 3 days now from her. And today my youngest, a BR 5 months old laid an egg too. 5 eggs today from 5 chickies!!! Yeah! My Wyandottes have been laying for a while now but did the squatting for 1-2 weeks. The EE squatted for a while to but just a bit. Now she is doing a real squat. The BR started squatting a few days before she laid..... Good luck and I hope the eggs are on the way

ETA...trouble with the typos again.....
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So a week later, and still no eggs... but TWO of them are doing the squat now!

I actually had a dream the other night about going out and finding eggs in the nest. I might be thinking about this too much...
Went out today to check for eggs (well, actually, went out for the second time today to check for eggs...) and look what I found in the nest box!
I'm so happy!

My EE just started laying this past week. Laid one and not another for four days. Now I think the are on track although their eggs are small. They seem smaller than yours but I hope as they mature their eggs will get larger as well.

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