no eggs


9 Years
May 24, 2010
wichita falls texas
I have 13 chickens over 1 yr old. .all of them Stopped laying about 2 months ago. I know its normal but not all of them at once..any tips.i have all different kids from silky to easter Eggers
You could have them hiding them eating them or an egg preditor.snake rat possum dog.My Chorky is a sneak and will go in the coop and eat the eggs.
your girl looks like she has scaley leg mites! but it doesn't look bad enough to have lost pieces of her toes yet, I know rodents can bite chicken toes at night when they are on the roost. Do any other of your chickens have injuries on there feet or legs?
if its scaley leg mites you need to smear oil or vasaline on there legs 2 times a week for 2 months! the leg mites only live under the leg scales and the oil will smother them! ALL of your birds need to be treated.

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