No Emergency But Concerned


7 Years
May 1, 2012
All of my lovely ladies have been accosted by the randiest jerk in our flock. My Baby Cheep is missing all the top feathers from her back. She isn't molting.

I was wondering, will their feathers grow back once the males damage them so badly? And, I know it's a life cycle, but, are the roosters hurting them?
Her feathers will grow back, and it looks horrible, but it's just how roosters do the job I guess. If you get overly worried (which I'm one of those you can actually buy (or make yourself) something called a chicken saddle/apron. It goes over the chickens back and protects it so the feathers can grow back and the other hens don't peck at them. You can find the patterns on google, or buy them from different places like ebay. They're actually really easy to make.
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Her feathers will grow back, and it looks horrible, but it's just how roosters do the job I guess. If you get overly worried (which I'm one of those you can actually buy (or make yourself) something called a chicken saddle/apron. It goes over the chickens back and protects it so the feathers can grow back and the other hens don't peck at them. You can find the patterns on google, or buy them from different places like ebay. They're actually really easy to make. 

Thanks. Yeah, I have a friend who just made some. Maybe I will get a couple from her.

Glad to know it won't last.
I find them very handy, I started using them when my other chickens would peck at the bare backs and prevent the new feathers from coming in, and then they ended up getting sun
I find them very handy, I started using them when my other chickens would peck at the bare backs and prevent the new feathers from coming in, and then they ended up getting sun

Oh, I never thought about sun burn...

I shall get on it!

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