No Farms No Food


Back to Work
12 Years
Jan 4, 2008
The Frozen Wasteland of Idaho
Does anyone else have a sticker that says "No Farms No Food"? I have one proudly displayed in the window of my truck and DW has one in the window of her car. I have them to serve as a reminder that without farms and farmers, the world would be a much different place. I am proud of being able to grow some of my own food and by doing so, helping to support my own family without having to rely on "the store" for everything we need.

I found a link to a website that is giving away these stickers. Check it out
While I hate bumper stickers, that is one I would put on my truck.
Thanks Buster, Im glad you posted that link, Ive seen a few of them, and havent been able to find them. A farmer myself, I dont think alot of people realize where most of thier food comes from. Mine are own thier way, and they will be on my truck as soon as I get it.
I don't have a sticker YET.......... I am stunned at the sheeple who don't really think. In their world there are no consequenses of running out local farmers and ranchers with nonsense laws. I
our remaining farmers and ranchers! We have always lived rural and sustained ourselves to some small extent. Not relying on the store for all of our food, also means we are not being systematically poisoned. (well in theory anyway!)
Thanks for the replies. I was hoping my post would lead to a discussion along these lines. People just don't think about where their food comes from anymore. So many kids these days think their food comes from the store and there is a complete disconnect from seeing a cow in a field or a chicken in someone's yard and milk, beef, eggs, or chicken in the store.
That is 110% true. Walmart produces all of the food people eat these days.
At least thats most peoples thinking. I wish schools would do better (not teachers but school programs or such) to educate kids on where the milk, cheese, eggs, bread, veggies, and meat comes from.
I agree bsaffles. We had some neighbors take care of our birds for a few days last year while we were out of town. We told them they could keep any eggs they collected as part of the payment. They informed us that they only eat eggs from Wal-Mart.
I placed my order for 8. We farm as do my parents. They are going on all the farm trucks!

I get so sick of people talking about how farmers have it so easy and get so much government money. They have no idea at the cost of input these days. All they know is this: We have the cheapest and safest and vast supply of food in the world. Farmers buy at retail prices and sell at wholesale prices.

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