No Feed !!!


Free Ranging
Jul 6, 2020
Hi so I ran out of my chick starter and grower on Monday that is for my two 17 Week Old RIR Pullets, they have been eating the power from their feed mixed with water and I ran out of that today and I need something to hold them till Saturday because that's then I can go to TSC, and I had some questions

1. Since I ran out of feed and they are almost adults can they just survive off of the grass and water in their area till Saturday?
2. If not can what do I have to feed them.
Do you have other animals? As you can give them cat/dog food they can't live off grass they are not geese. I once ran out of feed and gave mine old cans of veggies lol
Do you have other animals? As you can give them cat/dog food they can't live off grass they are not geese. I once ran out of feed and gave mine old cans of veggies lol
Sadly I don't have any other pets but I have carrots, lettuce, spinach, and kale, but I do NOT have any grit
If you have to give them other food be sure to include some protein, like cooked black beans or scrambled/ boiled eggs, etc.

They'll be alright without grit for a couple of days, although you could probably find some small enough rocks if you look around or walk to somewhere that has a gravel/ pebble driveway or whatever.
That's a long time to go without feed if they're accustom to it daily. You're talking a big diet change and this time of year they aren't going to be getting enough living off the land. In the spring-fall my girls eat less feed but they're also out hunting down bugs and such more often.

I'd find a way to get feed today. Ask friends to pick it up for you if you can't go on your own. You can always curbside the order and the store will load it in their car and everything. That diet swing can cause issues with their digestion which is never a good idea that quick.
That's a long time to go without feed if they're accustom to it daily. You're talking a big diet change and this time of year they aren't going to be getting enough living off the land. In the spring-fall my girls eat less feed but they're also out hunting down bugs and such more often.

I'd find a way to get feed today. Ask friends to pick it up for you if you can't go on your own. You can always curbside the order and the store will load it in their car and everything. That diet swing can cause issues with their digestion which is never a good idea that quick.
I've ran out of feed when they were little and they had no feed for a whole week and they were fine so was their poop and where I live we don't get any snow. i ordered their feed online and it says it'll get to the store on Saturday and that I can pick it up that day too because they were out of stock at the time that I went a few weeks ago
I've ran out of feed when they were little and they had no feed for a whole week and they were fine so was their poop and where I live we don't get any snow. i ordered their feed online and it says it'll get to the store on Saturday and that I can pick it up that day too because they were out of stock at the time that I went a few weeks ago

Good luck and I hope it all works out. Unfortunately big diet changes with any animals is risky and just because it worked once before for you doesn't mean its not going to be an issue this time.

Since this isn't the first time its happened maybe it would be a good idea to buy more feed at a time. That way you won't run the risk of running out. I know with our animals once we get about 3/4 or 1/2 through a bag we already have another ordered. The animals that go through faster we get two bags at a time, once we get through one we order another so we always have more than one bag on hand at any time.

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