No hatching even after day 21


6 Years
Feb 26, 2018
Islamabad, Pakistan
I have a brinsea maxi ex and i had put 14 eggs in it on the 4th of March at 10pm.

4 eggs were removed since they were non-fertile and now I have 10 eggs in it.

its been more than 12 hours after the 21st day and there are no chicks... no signs of hatching at all...

The humidity is 62% now.

is there anything that I am not doing right?
21 days is just an average. If your temperature is slightly lower over the course of incubation then the hatch will be delayed a little.

Maybe top up your water while no eggs are pipping and you could even try holding an egg to your ear and see if you can hear any tapping, but try to keep it in the same position it's been in in the incubator. But don't panic if you can't hear anything - people have eggs hatching right up to day 26. I've had naturally incubated Button quail eggs take 21 days to hatch - 5 days over their usual incubation period. So it happens naturally as well.

It's perfectly normal to feel anxious. It's a very stressful time for us just waiting for those eggs to hatch. :fl
21 days is just an average. If your temperature is slightly lower over the course of incubation then the hatch will be delayed a little.

Maybe top up your water while no eggs are pipping and you could even try holding an egg to your ear and see if you can hear any tapping, but try to keep it in the same position it's been in in the incubator. But don't panic if you can't hear anything - people have eggs hatching right up to day 26. I've had naturally incubated Button quail eggs take 21 days to hatch - 5 days over their usual incubation period. So it happens naturally as well.

It's perfectly normal to feel anxious. It's a very stressful time for us just waiting for those eggs to hatch. :fl

Perfectly normal! Seriously - there's nothing more stressful that hovering over the incubator waiting for 'something' to happen! And you find your feet taking you back there every 2 minutes just to 'check'. You'll get nothing done (except egg, and then chick watching) for a few days at least! :lol:
Congratulations! :celebrate Yes, that's correct. A broody will sit for around 48 hours waiting for any stragglers to hatch before taking the chicks off the nest to feed so chicks can last that long if necessary. Chicks need a lot of rest initially. Hatching is hard work.

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