No more eggs!


Aug 28, 2017
Hello all, my 5 girls are 3 years old, and it has been many many months without eggs, even ONE! I switched them to a higher protein feed on advice from feed store, but still nothing. Is this normal? It seems like they're young to me to stop laying already... Anything else I can do? TIA!
What breed are they? Is it pretty cold up where you live? Three years is about the time when most breeds start slowing down on egg production, and cold wether can also decrease egg production (especially with older birds). Protein and calcium boosts can help them pick up the laying, so hopefully the high protein food helps boost them a little.
Have they already molted? Shortened daylight hours will reduce or stop laying altogether, and it won't pick up again until days start lengthening again. My hens never lay in winter once they molt, our days are way too short.
What breed are they? Is it pretty cold up where you live? Three years is about the time when most breeds start slowing down on egg production, and cold wether can also decrease egg production (especially with older birds). Protein and calcium boosts can help them pick up the laying, so hopefully the high protein food helps boost them a little.
we are in southern california!😂 🙄🙄🙄 ok, i'll keep trying with that food
3 weeks ago 30 eggs per day (south tennessee) 2 weeks ago down to 6 or 7 eggs per day. This week 2 or 3 eggs per day. Yesterday 1 egg. Even the ducks taking a break. I read an article about winter solstice (which we are in) affects egg laying even in winter layers. According to the article just after solstice the birds will resume laying with a vengence. Im hoping this is true. Merry Christmas
I read an article about winter solstice (which we are in) affects egg laying even in winter layers. According to the article just after solstice the birds will resume laying with a vengence. Im hoping this is true.
Winter Solstice is when the days start getting longer, just seconds a day at first.
Some birds may be super sensitive to it, others may wait longer.

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