No more rats! Whee hee!

I put out 17 or so plaster bombs and all but 5 were taken. I also trapped 3 in traps over the weekend.

They took a hit but I'm sure they aren't gone yet. More plaster bombs going out tonight.
I got a cat, and no more rats! Plus, I don't have to dispose of them. OK, she has left a couple on the patio for me!
Very Interesting!!!
Everytime I come to this site I learn something new..

I dont have rats or mice.. Thank Goodness!! At leat none that I know of.. But I have squirrels.. Lots of them.. They love to come and raid the feeders here..
I love this non poison way of doing things..
Thanks for sharing!!
There must have been 20 rats of all sizes in my chicken run the other night.
I am trying out this recipe right now.
This will be the third night in a row that I have left a cookie sheet full of "Gramma's Special Treats" out for my little rat friends.
If they come back and eat all this batch too I think this experiment might be a failure and I am in big trouble.
Wish me luck!
Haha, a couple of years ago my father had a squirrel problem, he used to shoot at them with a bb gun. Problem was the bb gun had a bent barrel, so for christmas that year I got him a red rider bb gun and a 5 lb bucket of bbs. he didn't shoot his eye out and no more squirrels.
Not sure that it's a failure but that you have LOTS of mice/rats. Keep putting them out until they start leaving them. Then you'll know you've got 'em all.

If you can safely use poison, I'd try that. DO NOT use pelleted poison though. My only EE was poisoned by those when I was a kid. The rats stored it, the EE found their stash, and ate it. You can use traps, marlin fly bait mixed in those plaster balls, the blocks of poison (One bite is commonly named on this forum as a good one.), or a 5 gallon bucket trap. I'd make sure the trap was in an area the chickens couldn't get to it, like the grain room, or keep the chickens up for a few days if they free range. A chicken could jump into the bucket and drown.

Best of luck with your rat problem. Try removing all feed, and hopefully they'll leave anyway with nothing to eat.
I might have won this first battle in the rat war.
"Gramma's special treats" were hardly touched last night.
I will be putting them out again tonight.
I really dont expect to get rid of all the rats.
I am trying to hide my pet chickens from the "neighborhood watch" so I am very careful to keep my yard and chicken area clean.
I live on a gulf course/wet land full of gators and other critters and all my neighbors have bird feeders so rats will always be around.
So back to the remains... if they live in the attic will they stink up the house? We have a family that lives in our attic and I can't take it one more day. If it will not stink up my house I'll put the balls right in the attic and just smile when the noise is gone. Yippee.

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