No need to read this


6 Years
Apr 30, 2014
Roanoke area, Va.
Due to all of the "last unread post" being reset to sometime in April, it has messed up a bunch of my subscriptions, I will use this thread to figure out where I am in different threads and be able to just go right to the correct page. I tried doing this in PM, but the site won't let me PM myself (what if I want to talk to myself? Do I have to do it out loud? Won't I look crazy?) so I will just put the link in the comments below and just pop right to the correct one.

If you want to do the same, feel free to post in the comments as well.
It's messed up in a lot of mine too, mainly the really big threads with lots of posts.

This picture galleries for the threads are gone now, have you noticed? :(
Yeah, that's on the "To Do" list that they are working on. They haven't found out how to do it on Huddler (where we are now), but they are looking for a way to bring it back if at all possible.

What I am doing, is trying to find the threads I was working on reading from the beginning, I try to find the page I was on, and put the link in a comment, then as I read, I will go in and edit the link to be the new place I stopped until I get caught up on them. If you want to use this thread for the same thing, feel free.
The dumbest thing someone said about my chickens: "let me know when the grill is fired up."
My response: but then how will the chickens get your foot out of the bear trap?

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