No one wants to hear it! (pics and videos)

Well I've mentioned in other ee posts my ee's are stubborn! My current coop is 4 ft tall which was great for the Orpingtons who won't or can't jump much. But these young jumpy ee's want to roost high so they won't roost inside.

To make life less worrisome for me im gonna raise the coop roof to 6 ft thats how high the overhead fencing is so they cant get on the roof, that will allow taller roosts inside so now they will go in

I'm pretty sure it's the high roost they desire whilst my orps can barely get on the 2 ft high roosts lol

Their current outside roosts below

You have some lovely bids there. I have this problem with no one being interested in my chickens so I don't really talk about them apart from on byc. Strangely everybody wants eggs but they don't want to know that poppy is a chancer and literally climbs up me to sit on my shoulder or that blue just beat neville up for being over amorous! Or that.....etc.....etc! I love' em and could talk all day about them. I just got a second egg from my cuckoo marans! :yaI have three, so now I know two are laying, one to go!
You have some lovely bids there. I have this problem with no one being interested in my chickens so I don't really talk about them apart from on byc. Strangely everybody wants eggs but they don't want to know that poppy is a chancer and literally climbs up me to sit on my shoulder or that blue just beat neville up for being over amorous! Or that.....etc.....etc! I love' em and could talk all day about them. I just got a second egg from my cuckoo marans! :yaI have three, so now I know two are laying, one to go!
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That is always exciting! New eggs, yay! My young speckled Sussex still hasn't layed I'm wondering if she ever will, she was a rescue and is also rumpless but I think she's only 5 months so there's still time all my other girls started at 4 months laying
That is always exciting! New eggs, yay! My young speckled Sussex still hasn't layed I'm wondering if she ever will, she was a rescue and is also rumpless but I think she's only 5 months so there's still time all my other girls started at 4 months laying
These are about 6 months and it's the middle of winter here. But it's very mild at the moment so that may have jump started them! Is the one you rescued the one that had the broken leg?
Well I heard a mountain lion and her cub is hunting the area here thankfully I'm prepared with my 360 enclosure only need to watch out when I leave the house to care for them so I don't get in its crosshairs
Yikes! I get worried when I see the neighbours cat prowling about!

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