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Do you ever have problems with your Red pulling out the beard feathers from your EEs? I’ve got a RIR and a NHR that are bullying my EEs and my Salmon Faverolle. The RIR mounts the Salmon Faverolle And has pulled all her beard and muff feathers out! She’s (the RIR) pulled all the beard and muff feathers out of one of the EE too.
Do you ever have problems with your Red pulling out the beard feathers from your EEs? I’ve got a RIR and a NHR that are bullying my EEs and my Salmon Faverolle. The RIR mounts the Salmon Faverolle And has pulled all her beard and muff feathers out! She’s (the RIR) pulled all the beard and muff feathers out of one of the EE too.
Well, I have never seen my RIR do such a thing.. she is the leader but a very good and respectful one.. no one messes with her.. and she is no bully! But everybody else picks on my EE.. I have quite a few bullies in my flock. Wyandotte is #1.. and my Australorps.. and now it appears that my Silkie is attacking everyone(except Ruby)... but my EE definitely has her beard plucked.. by someone! Now, I have never seen anyone plucking in anger but I have seen my Barnevelder (whom everyone picks on as well) picking at it as if to remove the water and “mess” that may be there.. cleaning it:confused:.... that could be the cause for mine.. not sure.. but she sure has a skimpy beard now... and it used to be lovely!:rolleyes:
Do you ever have problems with your Red pulling out the beard feathers from your EEs? I’ve got a RIR and a NHR that are bullying my EEs and my Salmon Faverolle. The RIR mounts the Salmon Faverolle And has pulled all her beard and muff feathers out! She’s (the RIR) pulled all the beard and muff feathers out of one of the EE too.

Well, I have never seen my RIR do such a thing.. she is the leader but a very good and respectful one.. no one messes with her.. and she is no bully! But everybody else picks on my EE.. I have quite a few bullies in my flock. Wyandotte is #1.. and my Australorps.. and now it appears that my Silkie is attacking everyone(except Ruby)... but my EE definitely has her beard plucked.. by someone! Now, I have never seen anyone plucking in anger but I have seen my Barnevelder (whom everyone picks on as well) picking at it as if to remove the water and “mess” that may be there.. cleaning it:confused:.... that could be the cause for mine.. not sure.. but she sure has a skimpy beard now... and it used to be lovely!:rolleyes:

I have 18 ee girls, most get their beard pulled out, I see them do it to each other it seems they usually stand there and let them I dont like it and call them crazy lol but here it's mostly hot so i had a theory they feel better, cooler without the beards who knows?

Guava without her beard

Guava with her beard
I have 18 ee girls, most get their beard pulled out, I see them do it to each other it seems they usually stand there and let them I dont like it and call them crazy lol but here it's mostly hot so i had a theory they feel better, cooler without the beards who knows?

Guava without her beard
View attachment 1689195
Guava with her beard
View attachment 1689196
Aaww.... yes, mine just stands very still and let’s her have at it:confused:
Well the latest happenings with my feather babies is my buff orp Punky is sick with a crop issue and weight loss she is fighting it though and I'm nursing her through it she will be 3 yrs in May here she is, she still has good color besides being extremely ill
@meetthebubus I know nothing about crop issues! I don't know I would have thought anything was wrong if she looked so snappy. I think this is one of the few things I have not had happen to my various flocks over 10 years!! (running around knocking on wood - a lot of wood!) Hope she gets better she is a beauty. I now only have one Buff Orpi left who is a 6 year old. Her sisters had a hard winter - aging can't be fun for chickies either.

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